Peter Lemongello

You misspelled “racetrack”

cops didn’t end up arresting or ticketing Rogel on the spot

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.

This is one of the reasons why we are a Third World Banana Republic.

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball my man

Bledsoe caught the ball, he should not have been removed from the game.

There are days when I feel like we are THIS close to the poors saying...

No, that’s not what he’s telling you.

What kind of awful people would own an organization and then screw over people so badly?

“Lionel Pimpin” was also the reason the Commodores broke up

*looks at the Final Four teams*

Daft Jordan Pickford hoying digs all owa

Spoken like someone who either never got asked to pledge or dropped line. For real son jealousy isn’t a good look. 

One can be a member, continuing to work with a faulty organization, while trying to fix it from within. Part of the reason one may stay with it is because of the potential as a vehicle of extreme good, if it’s working correctly

Defund is a weird way to say EAT

We won’t win until we defund the DeVoses (and the Waltons and the Kochs and the Mercers and the Rickettses and every other fucking billionaire).

Fuck You, lady.

Just ban all fucking Greek life.  It’s a fucking cult and racket.  Go join a real community.

Member of Omega Psi Phi since 1992. 3rd GenerationThis shit is tired. I have two sons and I wouldn’t want them to join my organization. Words I never thought I’d type. You can’t scream “Black Lives Matter” while contributing to the genocide of our own.