BMW owner underwater on his car loan
BMW owner underwater on his car loan
“Konstantine Sepsis” made me laugh out loud and is a real dark horse as a five-seed.
Cold tires and 1.5 psi off. We all know why...
+1 meal at Sizzler
$2600 for a car that runs and drives is a near automatic NP for me. This one is really in pretty good shape for its age. To the people knocking it for the cosmetic flaws, stop being so anal about this Probe.
Maybe no collusions but clear evidence of a foreign power acting under the golden exterior
Waiting for the first RWNJ wacko to say these kids are doing it for the attention.
You realize subways are electric, right? You also realize one train can move HUNDREDS of people at once, right? Breakdowns are due to deferred maintenance, not because the concept is flawed.
You realize that subways are electric right?
The subway is electric and breaks all the time. Being electric doesn’t mean it’s reliable at all.
No, I think that’s called Twitter.
I don’t follow NASCAR but I have never seen a Jr story where he does not come across as awesome. Always seems thoughtful.
Or anywhere else, for that matter!
Hey, this guys seems pretty good at basketball. I think I’ll try to go see him in person and yell terrible things at him about his family and let my child shove him and then call the guy classless.
3.) The Etrade ban was probably a self-own most US citizens will never achieve in their own lifetimes.
Where are the 16 felony counts against Wohl for filling a false police report.
A stat line like that and good photoshop skills gets you into USC.