I love Legos and I love IKEA. I actually assembled one of the metal frame bunk beds for a very small guest room. It would have been next to impossible without someone helping me.
I love Legos and I love IKEA. I actually assembled one of the metal frame bunk beds for a very small guest room. It would have been next to impossible without someone helping me.
Dear Lifehacker,
Yet more unlabeled cosplay. Please put the name of the character or at *least* the game in the line, lest this become a gallery of “15% things I recognize and 85% I’d like to know more about but with no source it just becomes a bunch of colorful clothing people just so happen to wear”.
There’s three things that could be going on.
100% correct. The bible is the claim, not the evidence.
The thing I never understood about religious protests (of any religion) is when they quote their book as a way to convince you. I get that they have value in it and what it says means something to them, but why do they think it does to other people who are possibly not part of their religion at all or don’t care about…
oooooooor don’t make sports that big a deal maybe? won’t be sad if there is no favorite team!
Or, give them something constructive to do that contributes to society instead!
This exactly. The V Rod is a prime example along with Buell.
Obviously it will be called the BMW Z6i GranCabrio iPerformance i35i GranJapanisch VISION Supreme THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF WAITING FOR TOYOTA TO GIVE THIS THING MORE POWER iCantAffordThis RIPV6AccordCoupe RIPHondaBrosAllOverTheWorld.
(Looking for Fusion TV? Click here.)
Dentists having midlife crisis who want to look like 1970s hoodlums are H-D’s primary market, they still push that 1970s redneck rebel image but even the dentists having a midlife crisis don’t want to cosplay as 1970s redneck hoodlums anymore.
Dentists having a midlife crisis aren’t rednecks.
Can’t wait for that “culture” to die out. Let’s pay $50K for some 40s technology! Constant revving douchebaggery.
I tend to think that there was a belief that we’d improve battery technology significantly at this point which hasn’t been the case.
“Capitalism, a bankrupt economic ideology which rests on the notion that the outright theft of the product of others’ labor is morally right and just”
Looks pretty...N-Gaging.