Peter Larson

I think the reporting system wouldn’t feel quite so hopeless if you got some kind of feedback for reporting jackasses like the one described at the start of the article. A pop-up at game start saying the player you reported had been banned or muted is probably too much to hope for, but some indication that you’re not

This may be true for YOU and YOUR political views, but there are plenty of people out there who aren’t on the fringes of politics and prefer a more centrist, moderate approach. There is nothing wrong with wanting, say, pro-choice rights for women, marriage equality, AND lower taxes and smaller government.

I’d love a post like this for men’s fashion. Sort of a comfy business casual thing. I work as a Director of Nutrition for a public school system. At times I am in meeting with the superintendent, other times I have a hairnet of and am mixing mashed potatoes. I was told that I need to dress professionally, but it get

This is comically racist bullshit. Like something you’d expect to see on television.

That’s what you look like after your team refuses to get on the payload/point for the umpteenth game in a row and you’re forced to hold it yourself. That support thousand yard stare. Kidding aside, walking around in an uncomfortable cosplay all day can give anyone resting bitch face, speaking from experience.

The split up arrow keys are weird. I’m used to handling all four keys with a single hand on emulators since I play emulated games with an arrow key layout, so playing a game would be weird.

I like how it appears to have good visibility all around. None of that silly upward-sweeping-belt-line nonsense that results in tiny rear windows. It does sweep up a little bit at the very end, but not like, for example, every other car.

I still do not understand why they do not bring this car to the US. It’s not that Americans do not like small cars, it’s that Americans do not like Sparks and Mirages.

Am I the only one here that doesn’t get the body of the article? Only the title then the comments. It’s happened twice.

The sr-71 is the blackbird right ( don’t know much about planes

That just seems like a lot of effort. I don’t really care as much if I’m in a picture, so getting a tripod, composing the shot, setting the focus, setting the timer, and then running just to get in the shot (all the while hoping no one steals the camera) doesn’t seem worth it (especially considering you’re likely to

I’ve accepted that I’m going to have to build the life for myself to be able to retire on my own merits. I’ve given up hope on SocSec. The constant realization for me is that there are people who are not as well off as I am (and I’m not that well off really), that will never be able to achieve this. So I’m forcing

I wish they’d let me opt out of that goddamn self-employment tax (nothing will make a Randian libertarian out of someone faster than paying the whole 15.3 for SS and Medicare) and let me invest that money.

You could even pass a law saying you have to put a certain percentage of your income into federally qualified

The (obvious and truly rational) argument is that you’ve paid in all these years, you want your money back. But your money’s gone. It was spent decades before you retired. It would be considered fraud if anyone else did it.

The surplus has largely already been spent and there are no plans in place to pay it back. The current workforce is too small to support transfer payments from the young to the old.

Yeah, the big thing I notice about this whole piece is a lack of any sort of admission that the husband might be right about something.

Of course, another big thing is to remember that your perspective might be wrong.

Every article like this I read puts me further and further and further away from wanting to have children, because the only positive thing you ever heard is “oh, it’s the most rewarding thing you can ever do!!” Really? REALLY?!

That it’s okay to ask for what you want. Women deserve to have as much pleasure as men. Never fake anything, it reinforces bad habits.

The horse in front of my horse kicked my horse in the face. That was a normal day.