Peter Knobloch

I just double checked. I admit I was wrong.

Sorry author, but I think you have it wrong. He eats beets because nothing bad happens to beets. If he eats a hamburger, he has to watch the bloody slaughter of the cow. The worst thing that happens to a beet is it gets shoved into a can.

A fair point for not connecting the dots.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but has Clara not already seen the Doctor's other faces, both in the Name of the Doctor, and in the scene from the last special where all of the Doctors were in a line? Her freak-out seems very out of character to me, even if you ignore the previous canon and assume a retcon or memory wipe.

I think you're right and we're arguing about the wrong thing here. My criteria for nerd cred was completely biased and uncalled for.

I have to say that the author's nerd cred plummeted when I read the words, "people who have read and watched and adored Harry Potter—which is a group that, unfortunately, does not include me."