
This peice seems so damn made up. Or at least not completely honest or something.

but... it is still great I guess. Weed makes everything more fun. And it does make playing with kids much more fun, easier, and enjoyable. Done it for... 30+ years.

Only people who would think is is dangerous are people who really are

No. You are. You just are clueless.

Lol. You are still confused and think it’s ok to make fun of the disabled. Such a long winded post to say nothing more than that.

What makes a person say something dumb like that?

No, no confusion. Your stance is kind alike saying it’s ok to use the n-word to describe people because Idi Amin was a bad person. I’s making fun of someone’s physical handicap, and if you think that is ok in one instance and not another you are part of the problem with the world. Hitler is long gone and dead, there a

Those people are assholes.

You are confused; the person is defending people with birth defects; and that is a hill to die on. The person is not defending hiler. The point they make is valid. It’s either ok, or not ok, to laugh at people with birth defects on their penis. You seem to be in favor ot making fun or people with birth defects there.