Peter John Tromp

The Banana Etiquette, you mean? I believe it's when you pick a banana coming into the tribal council area, you pick one for someone else as well. In Kass's instance, that extra someone would have been Probst.

I think under the circumstances Savage was the right vote. Wentworth could surely not have known that it was Jeremy's idea to target her, owing to the fire fighter so consciously trying to keep a low profile behind the "meat shields" of Savage and Joe. I think getting rid of Savage has the added benefit of potentially

For me it has to be Rush. No matter what those guys do, I will always be there. Even if most of an album were to suck - which I don't think has ever been the case - I always know that there will be at least 3 or 4 songs I will end up loving with all of my core. Case in point, 2012's Clockwork Angels, which turned out

"And then mother splits daughter's lip. All of his dreams are coming true at once!"
And Probst ejaculates at that moment. Or in the editing booth. ["Guys, could you clear out for a moment?" "Why?" "Hey; are you Probst, or am I fucking Probst? So do as I says, goddamnit!" "Ok, ok. No need to get touchy." (snickers all

Rush rulez!

Exactamundo. La Casa Chez Trobed (later to become La Casa Chez Abetrannie, before settling on La Casa Chez Anniebed) was my happy flat. It hasn't sunken in yet that there will be no more wood paneled televisionary sanctuary.

I think the more important question is who is gonna be the first to have a multi-episode arc on New Girl as some or other quirky love interest to one of the jackass characters on that show. I say Gillian. Even more distressingly, who is gonna be the first to be part of a generic, soul deadening multi-camera vehicle

What concerns me about Kass is that she is a fully formed adult, whereas I'm sure along the way Morgan will be knocked down a peg or two, 'cause, as we know, beauty doedn't last forever. I think there are a lot of Kass's running around in the political world, and it makes for the mess the world is in.

I can understand the Morgan hatred, but Kass to me is like a 100 times worse, man. The fact that she constantly compares her Survivor game to how she operates in the real world paints her as a pretty scary person. Morgan is a child and might still mature, but we're seeing a mature person in Kass behaving like an

Kass's decision is so fucking dumb. She was top three in her own alliance, all the way, and she could easily have gotten rid of Sarah next time around when they didn't need her anymore, now she's bottom of this new six person alliance, most of the members of which she doesn't even know at all. But she allowed spite