
and now every mcu movie and tv series is a mega crossover every time

Oh, come on, you don’t think Jake Gyllenhaal qualifies as “a wonderfully hammy villain played by a world-class actor”?

My favorite Keanu interview moment is him talking about why he turned down Speed 2, because it’s one of his most animated.

“I read the script and was like, ‘EEEUGH!’

Yeah, you can’t really have any other reaction to Speed 2. I remember the press mocked him at the time, and when the movie came out they quickly took that

Think of how much closer fascism got in the time it took you to comment. Maybe fascism is your fault.

People care...about movies? Yeah dude, art persists, entertainment continues to entertain. Walking and chewing gum simultaneously is baked into the human condition.

People can focus on more than one thing.

That is really egregious—Macfadyen definitely deserves the nomination and Duplass, well, I made my feelings about him known in a comment above but I think he’s a terrible actor. And yes I have seen The Morning Show.

I believe this was Dowd’s way of respecting the spoiler embargo but confirming the rumours that Kraven the Hunter will appear played by Dame Judi Dench.

It illustrates how self-defeating the children often are. Shiv could have had Tom’s loyalty so easily. But so thoroughly took him for granted, she set herself up to be backstabbed. Shiv can’t even take feelings to manipulate others and that’s a weakness when going against her father who is a master of that. 

This is, again, just a new variation on the Marvel business model of extended universing.

I dunno. Shiv treats Tom like shit constantly so he appears meek but Tom’s a shark himself. He asked Shiv what his place in their plan was and she obviously hadn’t even considered him a part of their plan. And while he might have supported her still out of love, she’s made it pretty clear lately that she doesn’t love

I just realized that Greg getting cut out of his Grandpa’s will has had an even bigger impact on his actions in the last few episodes. He chooses Tom and selling his soul because he no longer has any perceived security. He’s been chasing a “princess” and trying to sue Greenpeace after all 

I feel like it needs 4. A year of them winning the FA Cup, since they got close, and then a year of them winning the League. That would make a nice arc for the team from relegation to promotion to winners.

I think Tom helps Logan, because Logan shows at least a minor level of respect for Tom now. That's all Tom wanted. Why should he stick by Shiv? The woman who openly hates him? Who delights in telling him that at their most intimate moments? Logan is the devil, but at least the devil genuinely pats Tom on the shoulder

Why does it seem like all the most famous NEWSWOMEN of the 80s and 90s are absolutely horrendous people?

Tom would likely get a contract that guarantees an executive position and a huge payout if he’s let go. He’ll basically be a Frank or Geri, a suit who’s always around and no one really remembers why... Presumably there are a lot of those at the top level of every corporation and many of them may have had one smart

She said that very same line to him earlier in this season, told him that he should always be thinking, “How does this serve my interests?” regarding leaking Tattoo Man’s picture. Hard lesson to learn for Roman. 

Roman was obviously desperate, but I saw him appealing to her at least much as a former co-conspirator and strategic partner as a quasi-lover (and I note this season, Gerri had really kept it to the former).

What the latest Succession finale means for season 4"

His kids always insisted he was the mad Ahab of Waystar Royco, who would rather go down with the ship than ever see it passed on to someone he viewed as a usurper.