
Not sure what the knock against Ghostbusters was for, seems kind of childish to even say something like that.

Don’t listen to too much of Eilish aside from the No time to Die video/theme which I thought was fantastic Bond theme. I know it’s out of season by this point for her to play it but please anyway.

Here’s one: Eva Green has always said that Daniel Craig went to bat for her to not do a nude scene in Casino Royale and she really appreciated how he used his power on set in his first turn as Bond to back her up.

Dushku’s been through the ringer. That comment is especially telling given what happened to her on True Lies, though maybe that was so beyond the pale it doesn’t even count. 

Bull is a terrible show- then again so is most of what CBS produces these days.  Its a house of abusers- Moonves, Weatherly, et al.

Holy fuck

Honestly, kudos to the Miramax lawyer way back in 1994 who thought to include a clause in Tarantino’s contract forbidding “the sale of any hypothetical electronic Ponzi-scheme bullshit distributed via modem on the AOL Online system of tubes known as the World Wide Web”.

Miramax really put their foot down... their elegant, sensual foot...

Isn’t the most fun thing about Trivial Pursuit watching your cousins progress from yelling to full-blown fisticuffs over what is an acceptable answer? Will this show have that?

I could see Bill Hader make the leap to drama. He’s already done it with The Skeleton Twins, and he has some crazy good dramatic scenes in Barry, like when he’s in the car with his old Marines buddy and realizes he has to kill him.

I don’t think so. There are plenty of legitimate issues with Age of Ultron. It’s always felt to me like they filmed the rough draft of a script. A vast majority of the character beats and conflicts don’t really come together and aren’t well motivated. It’s got the bones of several good ideas that weren’t really

Did you know Michael Keaton used to do comedy as well?

I think Groundhog Day deserves a bit of credit as a stepping stone into drama for Murray - he certainly pushed for the script to go deeper than it did, and it still gave him the opportunity to run a gamut of emotions and show a bit of growth out of line with most characters he played.

Carrey’s brand of slapstick comedy hasn’t aged that well, it’s kind of a time capsule of the comedic sensibility of the 90s that we “grew out of”, perhaps because its fans literally grew up, or because they grew exhausted with it and it lost its luster as something fresh and surprising, or because 9/11 made everyone

My favorite example of this is probably Molly Shannon, who is so funny but has done some pretty dark dramatic stuff, for Bryan Fuller and in other projects (she played Emily Dickinson!) 

Murphy was 18 (!!) when he auditioned for SNL and immediately became the biggest draw for the show. You just don’t see that kind of natural talent.

Whither Michael Keaton?

I’m a huge Sandler fan, but I’ll be the first to admit he sometimes makes no effort at all, especially when he makes broad comedies that by his own admission are an excuse to take his family on vacation, or give work to his college buddies.

Now playing

Farrell’s work in Stranger Than Fiction was truly excellent. He deserved some shiny trinkets for it.

I’m convinced we will never fully appreciate just how fucking good Robin Williams was. And I think you did a good job appreciating it here.