I’ve seen fans donate money to help each other during medical crises, or funeral expenses, etc.
I’ve seen fans donate money to help each other during medical crises, or funeral expenses, etc.
I think fandoms can have positive moments, but they are extremely fragile - it just takes a few toxic, damaged people to tip the balance. There’s also the danger of people in fandoms who assume they “know” the cast and crew and basing their entire existence around these false beliefs. In the past the lack of Internet…
I think the problem is there’s no real way of knowing who this movie is for or why it was made. It’s very confusing as to why the film exists. Trying to sell it on family, which is also used for various other team MCU films, isn’t a bad idea, but a family of space androids, or whatever, who have not been around until…
“The “Pokémon Go To Polls-ification” of American politics is shamefully disrespectful to all the people currently being crushed by the systemic oppression of our government.”
I don’t think Feige is ever likely do to that, especially given the continued shaky results for DC (Suicide Squad flopping so hard). Having a film based on mostly unknown characters was a risk for them in of itself at this late date, but they weren’t going to try more. If they do experiment it seems to happen…
The problem with the article, for me, is that it assumes various things are going to happen in the comments section (which they have not, unless I missed the flock of DC fans), then proceeds to tell everyone none of it matters anyway. This type of coverage is common now, but it often feels like an article no one…
Considering the damage done to that film property I’m not sure how many will be asking for a while.
I don’t think those are the reasons many have for seeing them as the worst (Sinema’s little “moment” with the thumbs down and any number of moments from Romney over the years are probably more likely), but I would agree there are many, many terrible people around , and it’s not worth caring about their attention…
I echo others who question whether we are really in an era where rich people being miserable while also being very rich would not be popular with the public...my bigger question is whether people care much about an OC revival anyway. Didn’t the show fall off hard after a season or two?
I could see this being some small cameo or even just walking down the street. Not that it’s really the same thing, at all, but I think he is (or was) in the newest SNL opening credits sequence, just holding balloons.
There was a soap actress and game show panelist in the ‘70s and early ‘80s who called herself Melinda O. Fee. I’m sure Ruby O. Fee is not intentionally modeled after her, but it’s the most interested I’ve ever been in these movies.
That’s probably part of it, but when Joan’s husband killed himself a few years later, many sympathized with her, and she had a successful daytime talk show for about 2-3 years afterward.
When other people TALK about The Eternals I find them to be interesting, but I have never really gotten into their comics. Jack Kirby was a genius, but I think The Eternals are more compelling as part of his narrative than they are in reality. I read years of Avengers comics, and any time an Eternal was brought in, no…
I liked Colin too. He was unpretentious and a good scaling down of Update at a time when it had very much become a difficult beast by the end of Norm’s tenure. The best were his early episodes where they let him stand away from the desk and give his thoughts on an issue (usually the endless Lewinsky and Clinton saga).…
I have various mixed-to-negative thoughts about Colin Jost and Michael Che as people, and as headwriters. I used to have a pretty negative view of their Update tenure, especially around 2016, 2017, as I felt that they and the show as a whole profited from Trump after helping to enable him. While that opinion has not…
My ranking tends to go Jane > Norm > Che/Jost. Update has had a lot of shaky anchors.
I saw in that New York Post article how they were going to try to get Shawn Mendes or Justin Bieber because of similar demos to Ed Sheeran. I know it never happens anymore (aside from when they got Jack Black to perform last year - not exactly the same demo as Morgan Wallen), but I wish they could take any kind of a…
Yes, that period is pretty tough to watch for this reason, aside from some good sketches which avoid politics. There’s so little talk about some of this time I did not even remember they had an episode only a few days before, with Benedict Cumberbatch. This promo sums up the mood:
Probably the most popular Halloween-related sketch of recent years (David S. Pumpkins) was in a mid-October episode. They don’t really do much with Halloween.
For once I was just glad they stuck to a concept and made what they could out of it rather than trying to be clever, which tends to end with some kind of rushed “twist.”