
There are very few - if any - critical pop culture moments now. The main purpose of these articles is if they generate clicks and conversation. They generally do. It’s the same reason the site has had about 8 different articles saying What If? is bad.

I’m never sure why they don’t put a few more cut for time sketches on Youtube to try to expand more for the viewers who aren’t watching live, and to bring in different types of humor. They  did this with Beck and Kyle for a few years but not much lately. I would think someone like Sarah Squirm would be more for an

I get what you’re saying - it didn’t bother me as much because unlike with TWD, there were years of offcamera backstory which brought them together (and they also seemed to have been guided by that woman who ran the refuge or orphanage or whatever it was meant to be who died), but the writing wasn’t great.

I think many of the complaints about the writing have a point, but the performances really kept the show going for me - just about across the board I was impressed, even with some actors I often find to be forgettable elsewhere. There wasn’t the showy type of acting which can sometimes put me off with  MCU material. Ev

I think the closest might end up being Falcon and the Winter Soldier - of course there is going to be another Cap movie and I imagine Bucky will also be around in some capacity, and yes there were the setups for the Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers/Zany Zemoes/whatever, but most of the issues within the show felt

I thought he was doing the whisper, he just wasn’t overdoing it as I’ve seen some do. It didn’t remind me much of Clinton.

Taran Killam and Jay Pharoah were fired after 6 seasons, so it does happen, but rarely. I’m surprised Melissa wanted to stay after her repeated vocal unhappiness last season, but I guess those at the show must like her enough to still ask her back (and with Kate/Aidy/Cecily gone at various points this season I guess

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That was a pretape Ego did a few seasons ago.

Most of what they cut goes because of lack of response from the dress rehearsal audience. I’d guess it’s the abrupt turn at the end. 

I think it must have been as I can’t see them being able to resist a moment like that, or the old “____ Family Reunion” sketches they’ve done a few times. 

I think Lorne, being in his last few years as producer, does not really want to deal with major change. 

I think  she does a decent job (she has never really been an impressionist who gets into the character of the impression), it’s more the writing has always been hesitant on how to address AOC. They  can make fun of her being vapid, but they don’t want to go into the frothing  hatred of her in some quarters. Last night

Great review. Welcome back to the season.

I wish they’d asked him about his recreating  the poster for Emmanuelle in one of his SNL bumper photos, which was  incredibly cool.

It’s also been written about before (I think in the LA Times).

I can see why they thought it might work -  Joseph Gordon Levitt is a well-respected actor, and the teacher slowly being reborn by the life around him might be a promising idea - but it’s something that might have been more successful 30-40 years ago than today. There’s just too much to choose from, and I think people

I remember a few people saying that Shang Chi doing as well as it has probably only helped her lawsuit. 

This reminds me of the old senator who called the Internet “the Interwebs.” That still cracks me up. 

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Beyond the sketches already mentioned, I wanted to mention the “boner song,” where, at the end, Beck manages to pack an unexpected amount of pathos into a very silly concept.

I guess it is a combination of both, but Julia Sweeney did say that when Aidy Bryant was looking for someone to play her mother on Shrill, Lorne recommended her. Considering Julia parted SNL on bad terms (and criticized Lorne  in a notorious New York article in 1995), I was glad they made peace enough for him to still