I know it’s irrational, but I don’t care - Gene Wilder is the only film adaptation I ever have any interest in seeing for Wonka. (and I read the books, but I still just want to remember the screen version as Gene).
I know it’s irrational, but I don’t care - Gene Wilder is the only film adaptation I ever have any interest in seeing for Wonka. (and I read the books, but I still just want to remember the screen version as Gene).
That reminds me of the Andy Samberg bit at the Independent Spirit Awards a few years ago. He even mentions Chalamet.
To his credit he’s made some pretty solid career choices - well, up to now, anyway.
Of the last 7 anchors, 3 (Jimmy and Amy and Cecily) were regular cast members. In Amy’s case it was questionable because she was the female lead of the show at the same time - as a result the candle is somewhat burnt at both ends. Seth stopped appearing in sketches (aside from a few cameos) once he became anchor.…
Jost slowly getting Che to read off a Blue Lives Matter piece was probably the funniest thing he’s done in these joke swaps.
I would have said Alex and Ego, but Ego now seems too valuable to the main show. I’d still try Alex - not sure who else. Maybe Punkie?
I haven’t really seen a lot of comedy that knows how to joke about Biden either. It’s telling that the piece which has gotten the most notice was Dana Carvey throwing together some whispery bits on Colbert that very, very gently needles him for being out of touch. If SNL tried that they’d be mocked as being too soft…
I don’t know anything about Anya Taylor-Joy, but I was optimistic when she was announced as the finale host, because SNL has not had a new finale host since 2007 (Zach Braff), Having a new person host means less baggage and the potential to get the cast in a more central role. Fortunately, that happened tonight, and…
Vanessa has done what I think she was always likely to do post-SNL - a variety of TV guest appearances, and some film comedies. She does have a sitcom in the works.
I agree to a point, but longevity is often about the roles you choose. Pete seems to have done a decent job of that so far.
I liked the idea of Velvet Jones on there but the timing in the sketch felt off.
The list is interesting to read through but I’m not why sure some of the writers on here who are longtime fans weren’t invited to participate. Yeah, I agree about lack of history, although I suppose that’s what you get when Lorne and NBC keep so much of the show under tight supervision.
Bill always adds a certain menace to those roles which is invaluable.
I think so. Character pieces and such. The few that got on fit that vibe - a paraplegic woman who is also a stripper, and a super-strong woman who keeps running after her boyfriend’s train during WWII - but they’re fascinating to watch.
He asked Norm, on behalf of his brother, to stop making Frank jokes. Norm compiled.
You know that was one of the first times I’d ever seen Bill (I had missed most of his SNL tenure and had not quite started Barry yet). I was really blown away by his performance, especially the specific moments where he would tear John down psychologically (the “I wouldn’t talk. I’d listen” moment is pure, pure joy).…
One-timer: Strother Martin. Martin, a well-respected character actor, was mostly just asked to host because the cast, writers, and Lorne Michaels were all leaving at the end of the season, so Lorne was booking hosts based on their requests. Martin was clearly delighted to be there, adding a sense of fun to everything…
Mulaney’s first two episodes are phenomenally good work from him- the closest I can get to another host matching that level is Alec Baldwin’s first two episodes. He fits in perfectly and the full cast is used both times - you get so many classic sketches, some of the best of the ‘10s for SNL (Diner Lobster,…
I always thought Freddy was one of the more underrated parts of Six Feet Under. Just another reminder that we don’t know any of these actors, I suppose.
I think Casey said at one time that Seth Myers, the headwriter of that period, told her that her sketches tended to not have a great deal of comedy in them. That was a lousy time to be a woman on the show (unless your name was Kristen Wiig) or to write comedy more risk-taking than Andy Samberg rapping about how he…