
For a very long time I’ve felt like anything involving Ian mostly involves fans having to come up with reasons for his behavior (either because the show won’t or because the show does a terrible job when it tries), as the character repeats the same unpleasant beats over and over and Cameron Monaghan mostly just goes

I’m surprised no one commented on how...oddly blase his response to the Louis CK stuff was. Beyond just it not really being enough to say sorry years after the fact (or to make confusing apologies privately here and there before saying it publicly), didn’t some of the women involved also say that their careers took a

After Baldwin’s commentary about James Toback (which seemed more focused on letting us know how Toback was then on the actual women who were allegedly affected), this is just more of the same.

After all the overhype last season I’m glad that people now mostly realize Kevin is a token character and that’s all he will probably ever be - it means they can look for interesting characters on other shows. Berlanti shows will never give much more than this. The one good thing I can say is when they gave him that

A lot of people “know” but don’t want to deal with it or face it. And those people are the ones who often go to concerts and support the artist. That makes it more difficult.

Michael Rapaport and Alec Baldwin - two sanctimonious blowhards who last gave any quality work 25 years ago and who I avoid seeing whenever they’re on TV (not that Rapaport is on there much these days...) but who never seem to go away.

People like Ron Perlman and Michael Rappaport are one of the reasons why “out of control liberal Hollywood hypocrites”-style blathering easily gains traction. If a big conservative was confronted by Oliver I’m not sure they’d have the same reaction.

Stannis is a very complex character and the Dragonstone group are very complex - the idea of someone who is supposed to be a “good” or “just” man, is supposed to be some kind of promised one, but never quite is, and never will be. The idea of the unloved, unwanted brother, who in turn struggles to love his wife, who

Donna really is what kept me watching the show after the awful treatment of Martha and the Rose obsession. Mulligan would have just made into another Rose fetish by RTD.

There were articles early in the year about how they wanted to move MSNBC in a more right wing direction and were resentful/unhappy about Maddow, Chris Hayes, etc. doing well in the ratings.

I liked the idea of it, but as with so much of modern SNL this would have benefited from a shorter running time, especially the pointless shots of Kate McKinnon making yet more wacky faces. I did laugh when SNL, uber-meta as ever, addressed how tone deaf they are about race by putting Leslie Jones in at the last

A week or two after Anthony Rapp came forward, I put his name into Twitter and there were some nasty tweets sent to him, quite a few, blaming him for getting HoC canceled and going on and on about how he was a liar or just wanted attention. The one that made me feel the sickest was some guy (I guess, I don’t know) who

“The “outrage machine” is only outraged when people try to change the status quo,”

I don’t agree with her original comments, but she’s not wrong with some of her remarks here. There’s a lot of glee and entertainment value many take out of the outrage machine - like that reporter who couldn’t wait to tell us Angela Lansbury was now “canceled.” What does that mean? You’re throwing out your Murder She

I’ve found his presence on Today suffocating, sanctimonious, and completely unwatchable for many, many years. When I see his face I change the channel. Last year I made the mistake of trying to watch some of his ‘interviews’ with Hillary and Trump. I was appalled at the blatant favoritism, and even worse, I wasn’t

As silly as it seems to say now, Anthony’s character on ER (Mark) meant a lot to me - I always cared about him, and his death was the last episode of ER I ever watched. I felt a real connection to him, and to the pain and soulful quality Anthony brought to the role. I cried when I read this news, and one of the

He and Jim Belushi and their Vegas showgirls ended up being one of my favorite parts of the season, and oddly enough were a very positive force in a depressing landscape (in some ways sort of the anti-gangster motif). Now that I have read this it adds some unfortunate undertones to those scenes though.

“Strong female character” to many still means a woman who throws a punch, or dropkicks, or is on a poster looking stern. Anything else is an afterthought. It’s one of the reasons I’m glad that the new Doctor Who is going to have a female companion even though the Doctor is now female - I was afraid someone would just

I’m somewhat surprised to see such swift action in this case mostly just because these stories have been around for such a long time. I had to assume that they knew what they were getting involved with. I know stories are sometimes just stories, but the stories about him have popped up for years now, and he’s

“diminutive Art Deco dandy into a cranky, huffing-and-puffing eccentric, “