Peter J4

To me most of those descriptions for the returning characters are still better than their season 2 plots, but I'd disagree about Andy and Lucy (Lucy has seemed a lot more on the ball to me in the last few episodes), and Ben and Shelly both figure into the plot, as does Jerry. The others generally reached the end of

Or maybe she buys the Double R right before it has to close down, like a season premiere of Alice.

That and now wondering if her husband has some sort of secret about her (which would make her even more like Laura Palmer, who had secrets under secrets under secrets).

Sounds like a good ad line.

I know that character annoyed a lot of fans but I always liked the actor.

I've seen that reviewer too. Sadly that was the only way I found out the ratings in some cases.

I kind of preferred Vegas to the town this week, but yes, I do think Dougie needs to end now. But I think next week will probably be it, surely.

Well we seem likely to see more of Madchen, as she was pushing Shelly and Bobby stuff on her social media (which made them not popping up in this episode unintentionally amusing). I'm not sure about the others. I think one of the problems is a lot of the original characters sort of felt done even by the end of season

I don't think he sees fans as idiots. I do think that the ratings crash of the original show probably taught him not to worry that much about catering to fans as they are only going to be so loyal anyway.

Or when he really gets nasty and breaks out the ugly sweaters.

indeed. Dana Ashbrook is one of those people who simultaneously looks a lot older and yet looks exactly the same at certain moments. I'm glad he never botched his face so I can still appreciate the beauty.

Yes. I kept thinking it had been a bear and the head was torn off and the glass head was a replacement.

I did, yes. I couldn't tell if that was effects or just lighting and camera work, but it was eerie.

Do you think Tammy is setting Diane up? Or do you think they're both spying? Or neither is? This episode had some Gordon stuff that was odd enough to make me wonder if some of the fan theories about Gordon being behind some of it may not be far off.

A few of the bits I enjoyed in the episode:

It's tough to say, but given that they've brought in her entire family, have Richard running around terrorizing the town, had Cooper vaguely remember her, etc. makes me think it may be a decent part.

True. I never knew the other Johnny was friends with Dana Ashbrook. I imagine them talking as they both spent a lot of time working on their hair…

He never really appeared much in the original show (neither did Sylvia), even though you'd think they would have had a heavy presence. Even his season 2 scene was deleted footage from early on. I always wondered what happened there. If this isn't why then maybe they recast because his scenes have been stunt-heavy. The

You're right. I thought we were talking more about why Dale would want to stay with them.

I think part of it is based on their representing the apple pie life Dale wanted but never had. I always thought he was sort of forcing himself into a love story with Annie partly to push that idea into a reality. I'm not sure how he'll feel when the truth comes out. He may just want them to go away for their own sake.