Peter Hutnick

I scrolled through the comments, and didn’t see the term “squid” anywhere.

pixelpusher220 for Congress!

One can never be certain about this sort of thing, but I am as sure as I can be that I am a thigh man because of that show.

30+ years ago, you say?

Came for this reference. Better than I hoped for.

Same. My ex had congenital pulmonary hypertension. She had a hole in her chest where a little machine (that she kept in a backpack) pumped blood pressure medication into her pulmonary artery every couple of seconds. So she wouldn’t drop dead. But no wheelchair!

Slow clap for the Godfather reference.

I misread that as Luke at first.

I’m 48 years old. I went from Army fit to obese in about a year. In ‘98. Ever since, every doctor I speak with tells me I should lose weight. The only “help” they ever offered was that I should eat less and exercise more.

Those bad apples ruin the bunch.

I am sorry for that experience, and I’m sorry that I reminded you of it.

Correct take.

You probably know about this guy, but for others, or if you don’t, check out The Armed Fisherman.

Anyone have a theory on why white people who (obviously) hate Black people adopt Black slang? I don’t think those “homeboys” or that “scary” were mockery; he clearly doesn’t have the wit.

It’s too bad that there isn’t some sort of academic theory that could view the input corpus critically as it relates to race.

My in-laws are in town. They’re Canadian. It was really interesting explaining that several organizations have issued travel advisories for Florida. It just didn’t compute until I said, “A travel advisory, like to Sudan.”

Yeah, multipass, she knows it’s a multipass.

[Fellas] be claiming shit, find a gangsta movie

I’d bet they offer to give him $10-15k for it in trade if he buys a new Tucson. And a new Tucson isn’t going to have a hydrogen power train. (I believe it comes in gas, gas hybrid, and PHEV (gas hybrid).)