Peter Greyy

In person, too, GBU. I attended one of his "Riff Camps" (and got to riff a short film myself in front of a sold out theater right before Joel's one man show) and he's smart, principled, artistic and self-aware.

I think something that old-time MiSTies have to accept…is that the riffs that connected with us are what is starting to stop the love for MST3K with the prime demographic as we get older and they become more prominent.

Read some "behind the scenes" thing where it was reported that there were going to be two more emotions in there: Pride and Surprise. They realized that Suprise and Fear basically did the same thing…and they never got a handle on how to characterize Pride properly…so they dumped 'em both.

If it was far enough away from shore for Jon and the Wildlings not to be bothered with by the wights and White Walkers…it was far enough away from Dorne for Jamie & Bronn not to be able to convince the Dornish crew not to turn back.

"You decided to save the people who killed my family…and my whole village?" Olly shouted at Jon Snow.

AND, she managed to con the High Sparrow about how deep her deceit goes.

"Hey Inigo! Look what I found—four white horses, and I figured there are four of us…if we ever found the Lady. Hello, Lady!"—Fezzik

He's pining for the fjords…

Mallory to his Mickey.

Early days there…

That's the point though, right? That only Jon is truly recognizing the real threat while everyone else is too busy with their petty squabbles, power plays and the GoT…

And we'd like you to wear a green bag on your head so we can replace your head in post-production later…

I wonder if, when he took his Pigpen cloud of filth on down the road, if Dave dumped her by saying "I've got so much left to do with my life…"

It's my son's favorite cd.

Matt Dillon, not Kevin.

The Doom Generation left every straight man with two questions.

Hopefully the unrated version of The Doom Generation.

Hocus Pocus…by Focus?

Indeed. That was MY United States of Whatever.

Do ghosts get to choose which version of themselves they come back as? Fat Roger Ebert's ghost would be prickly but good conversation.