Peter Goesinya

Every time someone eats a steak well done an angel dies.

Look, I like Spicer about as much as the next person on this site but at least he read to the kids. In the past it would have been the President and the First Lady to do the honors. Trump couldn’t even be bothered. So, I know that’s a pretty low bar but this is the Trump’s administration. Not being a hat tossing

In a lot of people’s heads, political parties are nothing more than sports teams. They will stay with their team no matter what. One of the players gets caught in a scandal? Defend him/her to the death. Team makes some bad calls? Eh, who doesn’t? It doesn’t matter. They picked their team and it is forever and always

In the United States, we’ve been primed to believe that wealth comes from hard work and intelligence. Since Trump is wealthy, this line of thought goes, he must be pretty smart. And, he’s saying the things his supporters “are all thinkings”. Isn’t that what we kept being told during the campaign? “He says what I’m

Basically a metaphor for Trump voters. Ya you walked through that door, now smile as it falls on you...

No one is trying to hold you hostage. However, the reality is that either Trump or Hillary will be elected. This is a certainty. Setting aside the possibility of one of them dropping dead before the election, either Trump or Hillary will be our next President.

It’s the racial divide. Trump is ahead by 24 points or so among Whites but down by an even more astonishing 50 or so points among people of color so overall, he’s only down by 5 to 8 points. The facts of our electoral system are, that it doesn’t matter who the Democratic or Republican nominee is, they are both going

The red phone is going to be a Virtu Signature Diamond.

Wow, that was so fragmented and yet enthralling in it’s bizarre brutality, for a moment I thought I was reading a David Mamet play.