
Is this you in the video? Who opens your pickles and peanut butter?

‘Communism hasn’t been tried’ -idiot for thousandth time

Shut the fuck up dummy

He’s not white bigot.

Who’s us? Are Jews white?

Wait aren’t Jews white? Seems very situational...

Tell it to your therapist none of us give a fuck Jesus what a narcissist

Who opens your pickles when your wife is at her boyfriends?

Great news the world is ending in 12 years anyway

Sure this counterbalances, Idk, every other fucking commercial and ad in existance

Communists ruin everything they touch. Fuck each and every one.

Durrrrrrrr Drumpf is bad! Pay me for my kvetching duuurrrrrr

Fuck yes, drain the swamp. Die for Hunter fucking Biden!

Saving it for you candyass come get some

Of course you losers are making burgers. Low energy.

And miss out on killing you worthless commies? See you in the streets!

Go back to watching girls soccer bitch

Can’t get enough muh racism bullshit from this cursed commie site. But looking at your unfortunate picture all my questions are answered. 

You’ll miss them when he’s gone