
Nope. I'd tackle that piece of shit director Ruggero if l spotted him in public for killing innocent animals for his garbage movie. I'd slew him where he stood. Sorry, I have ZERO tolerance left for animal abusers. Animal abusers and torturers should be skinned alive like Anna in Martyrs… and the animals they abused

Maybe on the whole it edges out Irreversible… but that rape scene was far more upsetting than any scene it either movie… maybe worse than any single scene from ANY movie. The rest of the Irreversible was a cakewalk though. Even the infamous fire extinguisher scene seems tame… now that we've seen far more gratuitous

No, Irreversible's 8 minute and 23 second rape scene is more shocking and disturbing than any 8 minutes and 23 seconds of Martyrs… but Martyrs on the whole is more disturbing than Irreversible on the whole. Martyrs never lets up. It's a full-on assault to the senses from beginning to end - even though there's nothing