Peter C Bowen

To those that are saying there is no character development, what movie were you watching?

There's nothing wrong with working for the city. I work for my city as a public school teacher. My school is a Title I school in which 70% of my students are below the poverty line. Telling them to go $30K-$50-$100K whatever into debt for a, yes, bullshit degree like puppetry is doing nobody any favors. Not that any

Snowflake is an insult to the coddling (AV gets that right) that leads people to think they are entitled to not ever be offended. Also, the idea that getting an MFA in puppetry is a good idea because it's fulfilling to a privileged twat.

Surely, someone has already said this, but I assumed Price was talking about the Chinese Minister/White Rose as the only person(s) he wasn't sure was/were less powerful than him. Who has the most of the two? White Rose-Dark Army or Mr. Minister-Chinese Gov't (ChiComs)?

My feelings are fine. You cannot possibly know if I believe the things I say. So you cannot make a judgement on that. You can't bold type "Fuck You" and then say you are not trying to insult me. The only thing you've proved is that I did not read everything you read. You are not that interesting. This was not about

You seem to think you can dictate what other people are allowed to say when disagreeing with you. You do realize that Disqus doesn't show all of your posts on the page right? There was no indication that you were speaking of anything other than the article I was commenting on.

You are a funny guy. I'm not the one starting off calling people liars and rape apologists. I have tried very hard to not call you names (though some come to mind). I have tried to find common ground. I am willing to believe you are right about Glaser/UCB.

Once again, the article is about Schumer's comments regarding Metzger. You seem to think I have to read all of your comments to be honest? I was commenting on the article to which you were commenting. I am unfamiliar with the facts of the Glaser case. So I'd rather not comment too fully. But I don't think I really

OK, I have not lied about anything. I do not excuse rape, I just think it is a very serious crime on the level of murder. I honestly do not know what it is I'm supposed to be lying about. If you want me to address it I will but really this isn't getting us anywhere, Paul, because you have closed your mind to anything

You don't get to decide that a comment about the article, in which your comment is placed, is not about that article. I don't care about the Glaser case. If he's charged with a crime, and UCB decides to ban him that's their business.

I was not talking about Glaser at all. I was only commenting on the fact that Metzger is a comic that often takes on controversial subjects and deserves the benefit of the doubt on his comments. He has (or at least had) a podcast called Race War, for God's sake! For Schumer to bail on him seems off to me given how

Rape allegations should be treated just like any other allegation of criminal wrongdoing. Find actual evidence. Just the word of one person is not enough for an embezzlement charge. So just the word of a rape victim should be taken seriously, but evidence should be collected to back it up before charging someone with

We should take all accusations seriously, but, there are a lot of false claims along with the legit ones. It complicates matters, but college boards are not equipped to do criminal investigations, and unless the cops investigate, the facts are almost impossible to establish.

I totally agree with you! If only for a breakdown of how awesome they do the title card each week. The editing and cinematography are consistently excellent. But if I'm being honest, the thing I get most excited about visually is the way they put up the big MR. ROBOT at the beginning.

Very true. The Mangum show, maybe because I was back in Athens after being away for 15 years or so, or the fact that I was with my brother and good friends, but the vibe of the show was just joyous. Most of the audience was too young to have seen him before so they were so happy to see it. Maybe it was because Athens

You make a good point. I saw Jeff Mangum play the 40 Watt, doing all the old songs in 2011 or 2012 with a bunch of kids that were too young to have known NMH from their original time and it did not diminish my enjoyment one bit. If anything, it was cool to see that the same thing I responded to so strongly to was

Really, the whole thing comes down to economics. Supply and demand. NMH made two brilliant albums, then Mangum disappeared. I lived in Athens just before NMH and the other Elephant Six bands started to make a name. I played in a band that played a show with Olivia Tremor Control at a burrito shop. Athens in the early

Well said. I could not agree with you more.

The cultural appropriation angle is a bit overdone. But Harvey should have talked to the journalist that showed her around and the people she has in her video, just as a matter of integrity. I'm not going to stop being a PJ Harvey fan over this but it is a disappointing. Driving through a neighborhood and grabbing

I'd say email the teachers. At least for me, I love getting emails from parents 'cause I can send them assignments/notes, etc. directly and email them during class when the kid acts up, or does something awesome.