Peter Bugbee

Most people wouldn’t make the money they do if it weren’t for unions. That’s true even if you’ve never even belonged to a union.

Not only that but, union membership exploded after ww2 and is one of the reasons why our middle class exploded.

Surely, there have been bad and/or useless unions in our history but, on the

While there have been many corrupt or otherwise useless unions, they are 1 of the main reasons why our middle class grew to be such a large segment of the population.

I believe he meant police unions.

Unions, on the whole, are one of the reasons why our middle class exploded during 46-66'.

I’m sure Trump doesn’t even realize that Arpaio cost his county 44 million to settle lawsuits and there are others pending, I believe.

Nothing was re-written.
“All men created equal” meant, at the time, a white, male, land owner.
No black people. No women. No Indians. No poor white men.

So,not even all white men were allowed to vote.
Talk about an exclusive club.

You sound a bit bitter. Did you have some bad experiences in your life?

To those who deny why the civil war was started I invite you to read the statements from EVERY state that seceded on why they are going to war.

Each and every one of those states mentioned slavery as an overriding reason for the war.

The war of

Are you serious? His fans STILL believe he’s out for them. He conned a lot of people who are con-able. In other words; those without the ability of critical thought.

Keep in mind that if these men didn’t show up, Trump may have exacted some revenge.
Trump holds the purse strings.

I agree in principle to what you say. Though, had they declined the invite they probably would have risked retaliation.

He’s good at conning stupid and racist people.

Yes but, if it’s impossible, it can’t be done.

Since the teabag movement took over the Repubs, they are nothing but evil people.
I can’t imagine ANYONE, black OR white being proud of being a Repub.

By the way, the Dems are just a scintilla better than the Repubs. They are largely evil too.