Peter Bingen

This is one of the things that is great about this show. On my first time I was too in love with Lorelai and Rory to see their flaws and Emily looked repugnant. But after seeing the show several times and seeing what happens in later seasons it is clear how Emily is more sweet that you see initially and how cold

I also don't get why all the judgment as the bad lesson only goes to Donna at the end of the season. She forced the IPO on the reasonable idea that you cannot wait forever until you decide to go for it and mutiny seemed to be on a good moment then. In retrospect her failure was made worst because it required to force

I think that the show is very good in portraying what can happen rather than what we would prefer given the circumstances. I like the show but at the same time I hate Donna for being such a wuss to Cameron. But this is how a real introvert would behave under the pressure of a conflict queen like Cameron. I can see

I think the writers of the show are very smart in the way they show how human limits work in a real work environment. Cameron is immature and Donna has too much on her plate to give Ryan the attention he needs as a talented individual. Ryan is a young talent which explains his emotional attachment to his ideas, but

And then the cop arrives and says: "A number of complaints about your artwork… What you do inside your house is your own business (suggesting they live in some sort of gay party house) (they say oh no, we are not…)… That is you (to Erlich) right? the individual on the right, you need to paint over this…" and they