Peter Zanetti

@mmmmike: Personally I believe the institution of modern advertising to be one of the biggest flaws of humanity. I think bombarding peoples lives with ads, and over saturating our consumption of them, is a gross way of trying to empty peoples pockets, keeping them in a never ending cycle of spending.

Possibly retitle to "a quick start guide to limera1n" ?

@Bowgart: Follow the instructions and you'll have no problems. However, the iPad is not yet fully integrated into the jb scene. A few good apps/tweaks are available, but not the whole catalog. Just pay attention to compatibility notes for anything you wish to install and you'll have a good time n

@hostile-17: To say that nothing ever works right while jail broken is a gross misrepresentation. Based on jail breaking every firmware edition of every iPhone since day one, I can say certainly that this no longer the case.

@DancinDatsyuk: Battery life has been moderately diminished for me since using limera1n 4.1, compared to 4.0.1 jail broken.

@RubiksCube: Or, if the purpose of the national debt were not to enslave everyone who falls under it, then we could just take that 13 trill, subtract 13 trill from it in the computer (since it doesn't exist anywhere else but there) and viola! No more debt.

@coxmr1: love how people who know absolutely nothing about pollution make comments like this.

@Preyfar: I watched the last live stream over AT&T 3G. Not one issue.

@cormack: Eh, I don't think $ power ever equates to reliable streaming. If every modern example of streaming events are any example.

@Preyfar: I just have to laugh at that. Not an Apple customer, but dying to watch their new product unveilings.

@ddrussianinja: That commercial is so bittersweet. Imagine where Apple would be today if they had tried to maintain that image, instead of becoming it? Probably still rock bottom.

@cormack: I didn't think this was that strange or hard to understand...

@Nathan Cline: My only point was, every customer who walks through the door, does so under the barrel of this bio-marker. Your not a criminal yet, but you might whats the next step when this proves not AS effective as say, something else? Surely this is not AS effective, as forcing to people to walk through

@splash8204: Your suggesting that an employee being able to appropriately defend their own life, from a realistic threat, is stupid?

@splash8204: That's fine, but I disagree with the principle of treating the entire population like criminals. Why not just spray everyone as they walk through the door? Then you don't have to worry about triggering the button in time, and the one robbery every ten years will be prevented!

This is yet another disgusting violation of human rights. time to boycott locations that use this.

The part that really pisses me is off is the police attitude of, "it's an effective deterrent"

Lol yea right. I'm sure.