Peter Zanetti

Setting the precedent for when it happens here. Love that gov'ment!

@KamWrex: And be completely fictions in the process? Idiots.

Wow you people are STUPID, if you believe that nonsense garbage. War is bad, but for the climate.

@Tom_Servo: Oh yeah you find that cool? Hopefully some whacko like Pearlman tracks you down one day.

What a pansy ass cry baby. Get a life, Pearlman.

@chauncy that billups: Your post would be funnier if you had even a small clue what you're talking about, but instead it's just dumb.

@cmdrfire: Equally stupid thing to do. Why would you ever think its a good idea to e-mail something like that?

@scurr: Exactly. Crime is crime.

Most of you belong in jail ver the iPhone 4 incident. Hopefully that's not over.

Regardless of what this guy did, he only targeted complete idiots, because you'd have to be a complete idiot to think it's a good idea to publicly share those types of photos. Uploading to your "private" Facebook account, = publicly sharing.

It's my bank account, and for convenience sake, I buy tracks from iTunes. But neither iTunes, nor Amazon, would I ever purchase a whole album from.

See, monorails over major highways would obviously be far cheaper in the long run and save exponentially greatest amounts of fuel, and reduce highway deaths: but unfortunately that doesn't come with any of control over your life that this system guarantees.

@hostile-17: Actually you sound exactly like a scientist: you make no mention of whether or not it SHOULD be done.

Stupid idea, worse project. Drive your own frigging cars people, for crying out loud. If you support this move, you need priority readjustment, fast.

@Everybody: Your government thinks its OK to sexually assault you, or radiate you, and I scare you.

@Stevox: This is your government, doing this to you, because they can get away with it.

@Slayer: WTF is that supposed to mean? Never forget what intelligence agencies did to you? Did you forget? Here is the TSA to remind you!

@HK-47: "The terrorists" = the government. If that's not already completely obvious, it should be.

It's quite embarassing that it took this level of tyranny to wake some of you up. Quite embarrassing.

@Stevox: You are either an absolute maniac, or a government agent. Either way, you're not an American citizen as far as I'm concerned.