
I got "Hope Hicks using the light on her iPhone 4s"

Mike Chinoy, the founding editor of CNN's Hong Kong Bureau talked about going into the DPRK to interview Kim Il Sung way back when the Great Leader was still alive - and he and his camera crew noticed that inside the banquet hall or wherever - there was some lighting guy who was tasked with increasing the warmth and

Now I'm thinking there was a guy named "Al Pastor"

Not a lot of Chinese chefs are writing in English - except maybe Martin Yan and Ming Tsai - and Fuschia Dunlop is every bit (or even more) accomplished than those two in Chinese cookery. She speaks, reads and writes Chinese (which is more than I can say for myself, and I've lived in Greater China for 16 years and am

I own a library of amazing cookbooks from world renowned chefs - Chang, Keller, Waters, etc.

if Trump turns out to be a replicant, stop the world, I want to get off.

Mooch? Awww, ain't gonna see him no more.

Pajama Jammy-Jam!

I voted for Mondale in the mock election we had in my freshman year of University.

A very expensive suit. I weep for those poor Brionis. I imagine he has nice ties too - but the way he ties them they look like the ties you can buy at your local Marshall's for $9.99.

A fool's bet they said. Trump's not that clumsy, they said.

I'm all about historical loopholes, so I'll concede, but then again al pastor is delicious.

Either that or it's part of Bannon's master plan to dismantle the government - by continuing to hire the WORST.

Christ, what an asshole.

Trump, the guy who had to ask the Presbyterian ministers "You're all Christians, right?" That guy? Christ, what assholes.

You thought you were going short with four to six weeks. HA!

I was in Sydney late last year, and I was conversing with a friend - despite being both Asian, we were obviously American and a woman turned around and asked where we were from. She had been sent from Outback Corporate to set-up and manage and train the staff at a suburban Outback Steakhouse for a year.

The Dutch were the colonial power in Indonesia, and the Chinese diaspora in the Netherlands is mainly new immigrants from Wenzhou so they just made the closest "Asian" food.

but al pastor came from Lebanese immigrants to Mexico, so would where would we be if the Mexicans of the late 18th century were like "keep that kebab shit away from my tortillas"

Remember when the Trump supporter was saying that if Hillary won, we'd have taco trucks on every corner?! We could've had that, man! So close to ideal society. Lengua, carnitas, birria, menudo. I weep for that lost future.