
Christ, what an asshole.

It's the only way to be sure

Except for Kyrie Irving

At the karaokes in Shanghai there's a chain that has the entire run of The Bends and OK Computer. It's our tradition to end each night with "Exit Music for a Film" it really weirds people out who we don't know well. No I don't have a girlfriend, why do you ask?

Should be Eastern Orthodox, no?

WIkipedia sezs:

I was just looking at plane tickets to New York

Haha - it's the end of a weird quest. I have an amateur historian interest in Hong Kong food history and borscht was an almost ubiquitous soup option on set menus at Western restaurants from the 40s to like the early 90s.

People like to shit on nu metal, but they weren't misogynistic or typical bro rock-rap. I think their catalog is full of pretty good tunes:

One thing I really liked about Linkin Park is that they (especially Mike Shinoda) tried to delve a little bit deeper into hip hop and rap and connect with the scene. He's not a good rapper, but at least he wasn't just borrowing the surface elements of spoken words over beats, instead he tried to connect with the

Five years ago I went to Russia and spent much of 10 days there in search of the Ukrainian traditional beet Beef borscht soup. I found tons of different versions - but it wasn't until the airport and my way back that I found the one I wanted - beets, sour cream. The airport one was terrible. I am still searching.

That's the first course, right?

I have a friend who has historically been a California chauvinist (BEST PLACE ON EARTH, etc. etc.) but she's lately been espousing the idea that there's a few places that have everything that people really need - economy, enough diversity so that there's lots of food options, some density to have some nightlife - and

The black migration to Long Beach and Oakland was able to bring a lot of soul and southern cooking to California. The now-departed Aunt Kizzy's Back Porch, Roscoe's, Flint's (also gone now), and any number of soul/southern places up and down the state. I will say we still haven't got the barbecue quite right though.

Yeah well you have the entirety of Southern Cooking to argue against. Sometimes it's best to let accepted inaccuraicies live. I mean I've tried for 20 years to correct "drinking the Kool-Aid" to "drinking the Flavor Aid" because that's what they actually drank in Jonestown. And ZERO people have acknowledged that as

I was JUST THERE last time I was in Hong Kong - my friend and I were doing the Mt. Davis down to Quarry Bay hike, and then to eat (OBVIOUSLY). I did notice the amount of grills, but since I moved away I haven't actually grilled anything in HK except for off a junk.

my go-to lines: "Terrible place to visit for a weekend. It's like Los Angeles with half the people, and none of the interesting things. But it's also a wonderful place to live"

When it's referring to barbecue, the "heat" means flames or fire. Boiling or baking or microwaving obviously don't refer to barbecuing or grilling. I'm not sure why you're trying to argue this point.


"Keep, ancient Webers, your gas flames, your charcoal briquets!" cries she