
I’m a full grown 40s adult with shit going on. I play 6-8 games a year. That hour a day before my wife comes home is a laugh and sometimes when she’s out with a buddy on weekends. Because of the low amount of games I always get the winners too, heavily vetted and I know exactly what I want. . and cheap. I’m a 90s

Now playing

Track: Back in Black | Artist: AC/DC | Album: Back in Black 

Blame the insurance companies, not ACA. The insurance companies are blaming ACA so they can dismantle it and go back to fucking you even worse than before.

My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.

I did not vote for T-man, but continuity of government is a big deal, even if his administration somehow does not. I liken this decision as to firing the train engineer by shoving him to jump off the moving train, THEN asking if anyone can drive while we find someone new.

You’re a partisan wingnut, and you’re also a fan of Krull? It’s like I want to simultaneously want to high five you and smother you with a pillow...

Don’t forget he was Ross Webster in the hilarious but terrible Superman 3.


He didn’t say your opinion is “invalid”; he pointed out the position you’re arguing from in order to underline that some are not as able to voluntarily escape from these issues as you are. He was trying to provide perspective and context, not shut you up.

I think every article should be titled “We Are So Fucked” from now on. At least until 2020.

Don’t you dare badmouth Steve! Without Steve the whole narrative falls apart!

Also, a house full of Jiffy-Pop. :)

If it helps....those people always existed. Maybe there’s something good about forcing them into the daylight. Now you know who they are. Cockroaches like the dark. “Oh, you, running for school were chanting ‘build the wall’ at a Trump rally. I think I’ll make sure you dont get elected.”

I’m still trying to figure out why a general is having to run around fighting for all these settlements. I don’t remember Eisenhower shooting Nazis.

Bran and Rickon escape; Osha and Hodor disappear at the same time. Guard are dead.

THE ROCK APP: Please login with your username.

Stupid sexy Codsworth...

God Desmond Miles was terrible, just....terrible, then Ubisoft tried their DAMNEST to make you feel sorry/miss him. No, he’s fucking terrible.

Hey, way to be a judgemental prick. I listen to the video and his “T”s are okay really. But wait... Holy shit the way he pronounces his “K”s is annoying as fuck... Wow this guy’s voice is annoying.

Ice Pirates 2, please.