
Yup and Pats in that awful division although that doesnt diminish what theyve done. Im still in the Brady camp, not BB on why that has lastest. Of course its a bit of both but who wants to talk Patriots

Groh, who came from the infamous Rams/Jeff Fisher and is now O coord. It all makes sense, lol. I think losing Ajayi was huge, that backfield is garbage so Doug abandons the run game all season. Teams are just sitting back playing a one dimensional team, easy. Also yes, I think its an extended Wentz sophomore slump if

that probably applies to the entire tri state area and comment sections. Philly can be the absolute worst

our aggressive police state is easily fooled into aggression, surprise

‘wasting a lot of money on this investigation’....ask him to check with his party on wasted money on investigations, they are the clubhouse leaders

but Benghazi, remember they needed all that time to get to the bottom of.......ummmmm........nothing. This must be stopped..NOW. What a fucking clown show

thank you for just saying it....LOUD. Its class warfare and needs to be called out as such, enough of the bullshit waxing and waning 

See right through the red, white and blue disguise
With lecture I puncture the structure of lies
Installed in our minds and attempting
To hold us back
We’ve got to take it back
Holes in our spirit causin’ tears and fears
One-sided stories for years and years and years
I’m inferior? Who’s inferior?
Yeah, we need to check the

I was actually enjoying the season after hate watching the last few seasons. Thing is, this episode sucked ass, plain and simple. For one, most of us hate watching it have no remaining connection to the characters so dont care anyway. In that regard, youd think it would be easy and fun but it wasnt. Just not done well

and I laughed at some people praising Brock a few weeks back when he played decent for a game. Yeah, no, hes not good.

Hes  young, some of these guys have to work through stuff in first few years. See Greek Freak and his shooting. Also, Saric played overseas right, might have some dead legs going or needs rest because yes. Right now, hes playing like butt

No, phony outrage over illegal immigration is dumb. You want to talk govt waste, fuck we could go on for days on where else it is far worse. Had we done nothing for immigration there would be a third less people here because they would have gone back to Mexico, circular migration. We ended that with a wall. You want

this motherfucker doesnt care about any of that. Its their dog whistle and they want to own it even though they cant defend it. At all. I mean immigration numbers have been declining ffs, this shit is so dumb and dumb people buy into it being a problem. Just more fear based bullshit and the suckers eat it up

but how did we miss Monster Truck, that rocks but I cant tell if its going to be a great new band or another Nickelback

ya guy doesnt deserve any replies, pathetic hack pretending to be moderate. 

holy shit this is dumbass conservative partisan hackery attempting to disguise itself as a moderate. The military budget is so out of hand and has gone up every administration... this entire nonsense rant is just so fucking dumb it doesnt deserve a response. Your knowledge on foreign affairs is seriously lacking.

Make sure he never listens to the Dr. Death podcast, Im 3 eps in and may never be able to trust a surgeon again. Holy shit, its insane. 

“Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; Nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first” - Charles de Gaulle

while true, its just a numbers game. Also, I think the elephant in the room is obvious. The only cheap thing you can get at a game is peanuts. You want me to buy a $10 2oz bag of pistachios with my $12 beer. 

Yup, just happened to me for a free Walmart gift card. WTF gawker or whatever you call yourself now. You nicely asked and I removed adblocker. Now this bullshit, cmon