Fuck Tampa Bay forever....
Fuck Tampa Bay forever....
like the screen name. I think the ‘Fuck Keith’ letter may be my favorite of all this season.
That Vick knockout though, whoa. He was so out cold and for a while, had no idea where he was. He took all of that punch, just brutal in terms of seeing a fighter really hurt after.
or politics aside. If you feel it necessary to flip people off, and for extended periods of time, you may want to consider you will get punched. Dont act surprised
they just love to trot out the ‘violent left’ nonsense. Im seeing it everywhere lately, its comical. We can make a list going back and (Im sure someone has) and the right wing violence will get a crushing victory. Just another version of them projecting what they are guilty of and somehow it works on people. Thats…
Also per an article from Jimmy, the tweeter above (to be fair, although thats no fun)...
after reading the first 3 or 4 letters they were all the same after that. Drew already made the same jokes in the article.
YES! just to add to the yes fun. Just get a used Lexus that is 2 years old. It will have around 20k or so on it, still plenty new and within warranty. Will save about 20k plus from original cost. Resale will hold, its a Toyota, done.
now they will all get cancer from eating that roundup, stay away from the goat cheese
that is a great quote, the entire comment thread below this one should read it
Yes, I need to see this show, I have to. Every clip has been just amazing. Yes, I may just pay for showtime. Just when you think hes done it all and cant possibly get away with it again, he goes a step further. Fucking outstanding
they dont care for an answer, this is their play. ‘Prove’ the racism card as they ply and press for answers. Dont play into it, its absolute nonsense. If you think racism and any of this is black and white you are completely full of shit seeking that answer. The same people want to hear someone scream the N word, only …
Shoshanna is a troll scumbag of the highest order. Pretty sure a few of these usernames are same person
and read this, maybe its very similar, but very well researched and written and right here linked to these sites. Cannot believe how deep the racism and think tanks go....
Im so tired of the Brooklyn trade love. Yes it was good but that franchise needed names on jerseys to get off the ground. That was all that was. Ainge has been amazing so not knocking him but that almost felt like a timing, league move more than anything Ainge generated. He happened to have aging stars he needed to…
except drunk assholes are usually never calming down so it actually makes sense in this instance. The mocking was completely earned here if youve ever been around a mess like that. Almost never ends this well either
thanks, I had to scroll too far to finally see this. Very well done
or those nasty ass gray Omaha steaks everyone seems to like so much.
of course. Also probably limit liability and pay to make laws so they cant be sued. Those are getting worse by the minute. Nobody cares til it happens to them, enjoy that arbitration if you can even get that.
add Nestle, Bank of America and Experian to the list.