
thats insane. My $700 firm sealy or whatever is still going strong 10 years later. Although a friend just bought one of those ‘in a box’ wannabe memory foam things, Im curious how it will turn out. At least those are affordable. I do have the tempurpedic pillows still rocking

I would think the dialogue better matter when were on version 19 or whatever. That other shit dont hold anymore, I got halfway through Rogue One and decided I didnt give a shit about Jedis and light sabers anymore. Now, I wonder why people still cling, assuming its wannabe deep story lines and character building. At

I liked him per some movies and shows, then heard him on a podcast and instantly hated him. Then some articles came out about what a douche he is.

totally agree here, the perpetrator is far more often than not, absolved. The burden of proof being very difficult for victims. On a side note, there are different degrees of sexual harassment (not assault). So I dont think there should be a zero sum, fire everyone or resign immediately in that territory. I was

except no, they didnt and your example of the NFL is perfect. They are still the leader in ratings and killing it. The mild dip and changes are reflective of the normal cycle, not everything stays at the top. Its not like a better product came and overtook their position. The consumer gets their sports fix from

“but made some business mistakes by polarizing the network (polarizing a product that people come to for non-polarizing purposes genuinely isn’t a good approach).”

I stayed in Houston years ago with a friends uncle who worked for NASA and was military. He had photos in his office with presidents and other famous people so he was legit. Guy had so many crazy stories out the wazoo. Half of it seemed completely believable while the rest did not. He told it with such honesty that it

but his D doesnt dislike him for that of course. Its the goofy, straight laced thing is my guess. McNabb had similar knocks. Just not that likeable at times. Separate the play on field and it shouldnt matter if you want to win which of course everyone does.

10 comments down and theres 5 things wrong in the article.

I still cant figure out why on certain articles when I ‘like’ a comment it goes down 1, not up. My account mustve been hacked or something long ago, it makes no sense.

great point about competing. Who are we kidding here. They will now just slow play this thing and flip any staff they want over time and deteriorate into nonsense. I love reading the comments about how some think its conspiracy talk per media influence lol. See talk radio for some recent history and they also present

4. Mentioning Obama again because his obsession is real.

that is great, thank you

would love to get someones take on this:

ya, hard to disagree. That was an awful pick and that is where the Okafor conversation should end, not pretending what he can become now. However, most understood you wouldnt hit on all those top picks, it was a numbers game so pointing a miss isnt terribly incriminating either. There was even spin that Hinkie wanted

lol, yes because all that time with Sixers he didnt/couldnt improve. When local fans give up on you its usually a good sign they are right as they are the ones who hold on the longest. Even the ones holding out for him eventually gave in, hes just not good.

there are no winners in this trade

wasnt able to google it but I heard a podcast a while back about a cop who went against an entire police force and then the superiors up in the ranks. He was in Australia in the 50s/60s I think and knew about a bad priest that the local cops would cover for. Turned out cops were doing bad stuff too and the whole thing

Dude, you couldnt be more wrong, wtf are you talking about. You have never been to Philly, it shows. They have expected the worst and its ingrained and always has been. It still is even though what Drew says here is partially true with the cockiness of the upstart teams.

If I were him Id be worried about walking again, career can wait or be done