
First 10 minutes of High Tension are awesome. I was so pumped and then the rest just sucked ass. I thought Frontier(s) was really good and I always forget what its called. I was able to google it somehow though

holy shit this thread is dumb. Its like half of you havent watched the NBA except the last 5 years. Its the same 5 teams for 40 years winning and you’re complaining about 4 years of tanking lol. The league is impossible to win a title in, damn near impossible but go ahead and run through some mental gymnastics of fan

haha this. Yes that song sucks. No, not a great song. Foo Fighters counfound me. Some amazing songs mixed in with just garbage.

this made me laugh so hard for no reason at all, multiple times. shit, thanks

“charged at Portis twice before Portis threw a punch and connected with Mirotic’s face”

yup, they werent going to get everything in the deal. Also Embiids team can point to precendent in every sport with knees and get that excluded I would guess. Its a smart deal or rather, as smart as a deal as they could make considering the health and ceiling of the guy. He makes the whole league more fun if he can

While it is easier since hes at superstar status, its at the same time even more important that they use that platform. More you have, more you lose. One can say it also gets easier to stay out of the fray and enjoy the fruits with a larger status. It isnt about how much to lose and comparing that to others. No time

Oma and Opas for me

Embiid is an all out game changer if he can ever stay on the floor. Rim protection and a shot at that size. That alone just makes everybody better. This team is not there yet though, if you look at some squads at the back end of the East they still may not beat them out. Funny thing is that TJ has a great plus/minus

he goes on to say, that coach did not look like he wanted to tell them it changed in the following weeks or up to each player case, however worded

more stars for this. I was curious about the labor agreement and Union aspect, good stuff. Hard to know but it puts in a bit more perspective on options if it were to go down that road. I imagine, like you say, it would go on up the court system like Brady. It would get a lot of attention but not sure how far it would

also dealing with a Union and Im not sure there is specific language in the agreement about this. Who decides what ‘respect’ is? This is the part that gets me. You can have many military/veterans who are just fine with the form of protest but others want to feel outraged. Does that outrage extend to all of them or

This was his official loyalty oath statement move

remember Zeke and Dak havent received that big 2nd contract yet. Their time is yet to come. Now one would think principles over money in this situation but much easier to say from the sidelines. They probably wont want to ruffle those feathers and I would get that as unfortunate as it is. I would think they were

They pulled this shit in the Bush years also using fake Purple Hearts to mock Kerry. This shit is old and they have no shame

this eagles fan thinks your shitty O line is going to get destroyed. Since I hate the Yankees also and they beat the Phillies in the world series because only a Philly team would let a roided ARod win a title. Yankees ended up winning so yes, the Cards will win and Fitz will get every 3rd and 13.

hey, thats perfectly acceptable, they are kids. Its the wealthy people in nice homes with an Audi in the driveway that give you a dollar on a $50 order or no tip.

Winner. Hey, San Andreas was awesome because the Rock was in it saving everyone. That scene with getting over the tidal wave, epic lol

This. Eggshells man, eggshells, do not disturb the healing. Embiid is on this team ffs

see Jeff Fisher as perfect example of good ole boys club....for wayyyyy too long