
after coming way down in this thread, what is it with the brown love. I had the manual part on mine but after driving to work in traffic for 4 years, no thanks, I went back to automatic

I imagine eventually you wont pass emissions or be able to register the car without proof of the fix

You guys dont use bags for groceries? Seems like a lot of trips back n forth to the kitchen lol

no way, I laughed, stand by your bad jokes lol

I was all about an A4 or a 328 or 335x but after reading so many blog (even here) and elsewhere I got cold feet. So many stories about major tranny issues on A4s or electrical. Then weird stuff on beemers but essentially good cars but the fixes for both being so expensive. Stuff like a headlight costing $50 and shit

thats the best post about CVTs Ive read in forever after doing a bit of research. Thanks for that, interesting and good to know.

right, what the fuck kind of useless argument is this to begin with. It wont be the same car after the fix either per mpg and performance can miss their car and take the buyout. The fix was and never will be a good option

Outbacks are such dogs unless you get the bigger engine which is pricey. Also my pos 99 needed the heads redone because of building the block too small. Known problem with subaru and faulty engineering and they wouldnt do anything about it because you needed it post 75k usually. Then I had to have heads redone on a

My TDI was similar mileage and not one single issue up to 70k, normal maintenance was all. I knew this going in to buy a VW though, it seems there is no in between. Its either a lemon or a great car. I couldnt re-buy from VW and with the sweet buyback, loving my new Lexus AWD IS 350. I just wouldnt chance a VW unless

he really doesnt ever look happy does he. You just know he cant wait to get his pro deal and his own house and gtfo. Maybe scheming to take his bros with him eventually.

and when hes just a role player in the Kings in a few years you can guess where BBB will be.

Bills fans werent that enamored with Gilmore. Not that the Pats wont make him a better player, maybe. Dwayne Allen, meh. Best moves were Hightower, Cooks and Ealy imo which is still remarkable esp Cooks. I didnt think they even needed him

thats the thing with us horror fans. Weve been watching for so long, I dont think we get the same effects that people who avoid them do or are easily scared. I struggle now to find even interesting ones that do it. Too often they all fall apart in the third act which is fine, I still love em, just so rare to find any

good move, it was probably enough to make it think twice and thats all you needed. Since dogs usually do this before actually fighting often times, they are testing each other before fighting. I imagine anyone showing aggression back when a dog is about to pounce will maybe buy them a moment to think about the second

Having grown up with a mutt and then had a 100lb ridgeback, Ive wrestled with both. I mostly learned when I was younger and played with my dog how to handle their aggression. Probably sounds silly but I swear to this day I could at least manage the movements of a dog and get its face out of my way and stay on top. I

cant wait til they get that low end shitty plan again, all happy with the price. Then find out it doesnt cover anything

I was just saying this last night when his name came up on daily show, man I fucking hate that guy. This is all the same bullshit we went over when the ACA was being implemented. The reason they scraped the choices for the shitty coverage was because it was useless so yes, you make people pay for actual coverage that

Dont worry, the mullets softened some of the blows

fear for his life my ass. Hes dragging that kid for what feels like eternity in the video. Hes a cop also so doubt hes scared with some teenagers that all probably see his gun hanging out his pants, hence them all staying far off and filming it. He could have easily let that kid go and it all would have de-escalated

Yup and I still think its because of not wanting to vote for a female across all demographics. That also caused the lack of turnout. BECAUSE MEN DONT WANT TO VOTE FOR A WOMAN AS PRESIDENT, it runs deep unfortunately.