damn Aliens always needing to anal probe, what gives. Leave our orifices alone
damn Aliens always needing to anal probe, what gives. Leave our orifices alone
Someone really needs to make a Trump Translator
crash and burn lol
no, NFL is just fine and isnt going anywhere anytime soon. Because even with bad teams you have some great plays and great finishes. Add in gambling and fantasy and its still off the charts. There is just more stuff to watch with every other TV network acting like a movie studio and putting out some pretty quality…
are you sure it didnt say replica on it, because if it said replica he may be able to fit inside
as an Eagles fan, please start Romo when hes ready
yes, thats a giant leap. Again, in political arguments the slippery slope rears its dumb ugly head.
my conservative brother told me that over time, everything becomes more liberal. This was as I was complaining about the left always capitulating to the right and the right always moving the center....more right. It is true in a larger sense that over time it all drifts left. Socially we seem to as a society and its…
and thats one fucking ugly ass inflatable. The guy with the knife was just trying to do the neighborhood right
“Protesting the national anthem, regardless of the message is wrong.”
yeah, I also read the first paragraph and then scrolled
This is great, hes supposed to DO MORE damnit. Where are the police chiefs and the police union reps, where are the politicians, where are the prosecutors and DA, wheres internal affairs. Those are the ones that need to be doing something to fix it but silence, not a word. Instead we get the media discussing the…
I was wondering same thing, seemed odd like he needed to come down slowly off it like heroin. Thats not how pcp works I dont think. Could be a long 8 hr trip but if youre on it during and leading up to the trial, thats on you. They cant be responsible to rehab everyone prior to trials, they barely have enough…
I really would prefer to read more of their upbringing. I know some might disagree but I think its really important in the context of a humans growth or lack of. Shining a light on that is important for other parents/families to understand the damage it can do. I understand they cant force more out of an inmate and I…
This shit is no joke and all too common. Happened to my mom cleaning the bathroom tub. Had her hand up on the shower curtain rod, slipped and her ring caught the screw on the rod. Has no ring finger anymore, dad had to put it in a bag and carry it to hospital. When its torn like that they usually cant recover it.…
Cooney already back tracked on starting that nonsense rumor. Agent doesnt have a say in whether he plays, Dr then team, then player then agent.
right, agree to an extent but this team will change a lot even in the next 2 years with new rookies and FAs. So still time to build the team and they did bring in a few vets finally at positions to at least hopefully be serviceable. Thats something Hinkie refused to do
3 years worth of evidence that he wont?
yes, def true but I will disagree with the main focus a bit, every dspin sixers article is aimed at the larger picture that is the teams tanking/GM and philosophy