
reading this, I cant believe those coaching hires including the coordinators. Just wow, that does not bode well for Mariotta. Id rather have Chip Kellys 5 plays on offense, at least the tempo would be fun and win a few games minus the defensive side of the ball.

wow, aint that something. Best lines by far:

well first off, the witnesses could be friends so very easy to question that part. Secondly, I dunno, maybe the HISTORY of domestic abuse doesnt bode well for actual real victims but just a guess. Scumbags that lie about this shit are horrible but are usually/probably too dumb to know the larger significance of their

I was thinking same thing, as my wife always has bruises from barely anything. That was until I saw her neck. Yeah no, not that one

I sat 3 rows behind this guy during the body bad game and they had to escort him out of there in the 4th quarter (I think). Maybe was even sooner it was going so bad for the Skins. MNF at the vet, ya, no drunk people there.

how about a cookbook. Silly I know but we have friends that borrowed one (from my wife, not me) and I see it on their shelf every time I go over. I really want it back but dont want to ask. It had one of my favorite recipes in it. I think they traded us for some other crappy book so maybe thought it was a trade off. I

Fuck yeah, Im there with you. There was some weird beer/wine cooler thing we drank at the same time Bartles and Jaymes were out. God, if I could remember that name it would be nostalgic. First drunk though was sipping of a bottle of vodka. 3 kids puking our guts out hours later with the spins. I recall starting while

his post is still funny even with the corrections

I think we are all overlooking Illinois. Chicago has the guns and once they know they can shoot outsiders its on. Okay, maybe too many bordering states.

yeah to generalize, its the same people who scream “they tik our jobs” and complain about the hard cheap labor that keeps food/housing labor/costs down. That or they are leeching off the system right all the while screaming others “make too much” all the while leeching off said system and being lazy. Its a beautiful

I mean, holy fuck, esp coming from Horse Racing snobs and MLB 800 games a year money grubbing fucks. Where the trickle down damnit !!!!

haha really, too much. Good example of his base though if we want to marginalize some more. Its just too easy sometimes

this made me lol at work, thanks

he did have the horses, Reggie, Jerome, Simmons and Golic on that line with Seth Joyner at lb. Sick D, too bad it ran into the Cowboys juggernaut. Then again, he was clueless on offense. Go out and make a play Randall. I was at the Rams playoff game. That and the fog bowl would have got them somewhere possibly but

oh man, really, would love to hear that. His interview with Snoop was epic as are many of his great interviews. Like no other

I was thinking same thing reading it but its entertaining. Each to his own for the responsibility part. I guess its justified to some by his recent behavior but youre spot on, there is no real solid connection here. The autographs is only part that kind of does while claiming their past fortunes arent as connected as

they are awful, the chip disaster may be fun to watch. Dont dislike Chip as an Eagles fan but the rest of the league caught up to his offense. Hes not fooling anyone running the same 5 plays, in fact, some defenders were publicly making jokes about it towards the end. He also couldnt get any coordinators of note on

Las Vegas Roll

can someone help me out here. Repubs did this years ago where they forced the dems into a separate room and shouted them down. I cant seem to google it or find it anywhere. I recall being incensed and this reminded me of that

always wondered who the fuck bothered to buy buicks. Now I know