
funny how “snake oil” and religion are so intertwined.

pretty sure meathead is the proper term here

as long as its not Rocky Im cool with it

which one? I will defend my sixers and GM til the end. Wait....I may do the same for Eagles but it depends on what time of the season it is

yes, this is a misconception. Most of us order with other cheese options but there is a contingent of whiz people for which we can never fully understand

Jesses email was far better than this entire article. I was hoping for so much better, oh well

are we all ignoring Boise St here. They should be applauded for doing the right thing no? I cant believe that they actually rescheduled the victims classes around his instead of the other way around and reduced her scholarship, wtf. Briles and the AD should be fired yesterday

I cant stop watching that

whats more of a crime is writing an article about fantasy football

why should we separate his actions as an individual? Being a father whos around matters in the context of all of this so to me it does go hand in hand. You cant randomly come around once or twice a year and have that discipline be consistent enough to work. Part of applying lessons and discipline is part of being a

that guy cant act, at least in this movie he couldnt. Ill check it out though

this is exactly how I feel. If you hadnt read about the film there is no way to know its a self aware dark comedy until the end. It messes with you as a viewer. Then again, we were all laughing our asses off at how bad it was the entire time only to feel like the joke was on us at the end. So thats something I guess.

I just watched this a few weeks ago with my family. Im still confused. We were all laughing at how outrageously predictable and bad it was. Then you get to the second half, or really closer to the end and you realize its supposed to be like that. There really is now way to know that when you first start watching it.

and I read this “They are one-tenth as charming...” as “They are one teeth as charming”. I like mine better

I initially was amazed at all the victim blaming when it first came out. Then I heard the story and still thought it was wrong because his friend died in a motorcycle crash and couldnt make the camp. Maybe they should have gone splitsies ha. Then I heard Ryan Clark this morning explain it more and it basically did not

the tires wouldnt last a week. Oh and my maple syrup says right on the bottle, refrigerate after opening. Ill tend to go with instructions from my Vermont brethren. Who eats that fake butter stuff anyway, that can probably last a few years on the shelf, ya I went there, syrup snob indeed.

and who wants to be super comfy guy in the strip club, that means youve really put in some time

and to this emailer, he does mention it as if its just one hair. Its normal but Im lucky enough to get it in 3 places. I have a hair on my forearm that does this, also on my forehead (by far the worst one because if I dont catch it I feel like it was witnessed and ignored) and one or possibly more on my chest. The arm

we can also possibly file “Under The Cherry Moon” as worst movie ever made if youve had the unfortunate experience of trying to sit through it

Funny thing about denial, it always fits the deniers narrative