
fans keep forgetting Pierre Jackson, the D league superstar haha. Isnt he better than Ish? potential

its depressing as a Philly fan. We know the team is in early stages and the ridicule of the league somehow with 2 other teams that are worse but was looking forward to this season. Its the east were talking about, not hard to make a jump there. Not even that, just seeing the team build up with young talent. They still

Wtf is a metropolitan division

yes because big banks and integrity go hand in hand. Tanked economy vs shitty hoops team, Im pickin sides

yup, twolves and Knicks but the Sixers just didnt bother to disguise it at all. They had a better record than a team with Carmello Anthony, now thats the best joke. Or in other words, bottom quarter of the league as “teams that exist”. But wait, if the Cavs win theres a new model, draft scrappy intl players and

just more parenting frustration for me. I just signed up my 4 yr old to play tee ball. I can barely get him to want to hit the ball at all, this kids like 2 and loves it. I so want my kid to be athletic and he just isnt into any of it and no Im not pushing him too hard. Maybe not enough is the problem but he just

my friends mom bred Maine Coons and holy cow, I dont know if theyre supposed to be domesticated either. So my other friend gets one as a pet, maybe not a show quality. Yeah it didnt last, attacked him at some point. They are massive and intimidating. I bet theres some quality video out there of them.

This is it to me. The women argument stands on its own. Its all the other nonsense mentioned in this article that is so horrendous. How about a bit of nuance to the rules and not taking everything so seriously. Especially when it comes to criticism and press but all of that together just points to a level of snooty

I just switched from years of speed stick deodorant to this. Works well. The speed stick stopped working for me. That or I got older and just stink more. Refuse to use anti antiperspirant, takes days to wash off it seems like.

I just switched from years of speed stick deodorant to this. Works well. The speed stick stopped working for me.

are you fucking kidding, just wow

I live in a mountain house for a few yrs. Wood stoves are so over rated, the worst. So hot, you cant sleep with blankets so not good. Fire goes out, freezing cold and getting up in the middle of the night. More often than not though just way too hot. I always see them in house hunters shows and cringe. Not as cool as

my flyers watched all their friends in LA win, now my sixers are watching AI part deux with Mareese Speights looking like they might win one.

thats an incredible idea. The haunted house thing has gone crazy in recent years. Someone must be trying this, if not, should be. That or you just gave away a million dollar idea. Get on Shark Tank asap ha, or these developers should be working on that

I recall fondly eating Reggie bars as a kid. Thought they were decent. My friends and I (or should I say me and my friends for old times sake and have my parents correct me) would steal change from our parents, usually moms pocketbook, and run to the pharmacy to buy candy. That was a thing. I also remember getting the

I hate those paint jobs, everyone seems to think they are cool, they arent. He should redo that lameness

angry skins fan? Ill go with the former in the public opinion guessing game because you know...trends

No, Marshawn Lynch was or is or both

lots of kabob talk here. I find them super easy to cook, the meat almost never over cooks for some reason maybe per the way its bunched up on there. I love em but never enough tips I guess. Half the time I dont have enough forethought to marinade an entire day before, Im lucky to get an hour in. But when I do

also the best way to use sauces (esp BBQ) is to use a dry rub or even just basic spices (S,P, onion powder, Garlic powder) dont use the sauce til the last minute. Otherwise it just burns your meat. Sauce it at the end, minute on each side and you get some great caramelization and sauce instead of either burnt meat

I have this article open in another tab half read. I knew deadspin would be all over this and I couldnt wait to read the reaction. My first comment to the guy who posted it on fbook was I bet this is some kind of image redemption nonsense, go read the stories. Surprise surprise. In ten years or less the articles on