
That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying taking precautions. Hope your mom, aunt, friend (girlfriend), daughter don’t ever come to a situation similar to it.

So a police office, for example, who points and says “freeze” and “hands behind your back” is a totally new concept to you?

Aaaand there it is. 

So you’ve never had proper gun training I take it. It’s not a magic gun, it’s simply telling a thief to stop and don’t move because you have a loaded weapon aimed at them. Not to difficult to grasp is it? 

I don’t know what Utopian world you live in but when someone breaks into another person’s home they know for a fact their life is in danger.

You don’t know that person’s intentions are (the burglar/thief/murderer). If you can control them from a distance with a gun ala “put your hands behind your neck, get on your

Not saying they’re regular, but you have to protect yourself if it comes to it. Car crashes aren’t regular either, yet you drive with a seatbelt on, don’t you?

You’re not defending your property. You’re defending your life and that of your family. You’re naive to think you know the burglar’s intention. Or do you plan on asking him when you’re face to face?

Sorry, that’s very naive. 

And I’m the one hearing voices... 

Neither him or I said that, you’re jumping to conclusions. 

Well said my friend. 

“exhaust yourself debunking them”... so in essence, I debunk things yet I’d still be wrong? ok. 

Not everyone has that mindset, and that’s ok too. Tell me, what about this lady?

You’re assuming someone who breaks into your home is only trying to steals stuff (that, in and of itself, is a cause to shoot - they’re entering your property).

What about those who go in to kill and rape? What about those who enter a property of someone they know out of payback to murder them like a known enemy?

Yeah I’m not white but nice try. The rest of your argument is nonsense. 

- Universal background checks (if you’re against this you’re for allowing felons, people with a violent history, and the mentally ill to own firearms)

Sure thing. 

Leftists make no sense.

“Regime”... lol.

I have a Dell XPS 15 9560 and wanted to “upgrade” to a more GPU-centric laptop (I have a habit of upgrading my laptop every 2 years), and this one hit the spot. Only thing that held me back was the lack of Webcam. Still can’t believe it., it would have been perfect.