
I don’t get the hate in these comments. The 4 hours were well worth it and the fact that it is that long and still rewatchable is amazing. There is more depth to each character, more involvement, everything is more badass and makes more sense. No cheese one-liners and stupid jokes. I think the movie was amazing and

How about we get our facts right, Brian?

I’m a republican and am totally against the fact that in 2020 many in this party are still denying these facts. However, from ACB’s answer, I believe it was politically answered, in a questioning that shouldn’t be politicized. “I don’t know” is better than denying it. 

Why do people assume the President is in any way shape or form like “most people”? He’s the POTUS, he’ll get the best healthcare, the best protection, and will “break” these guidelines to get back to work. 

What’s the point of adding “white man” to the title? 

If I have a controller, and plug it to my PC, can I used Xbox Game Pass with this method? 

Yes, I bet Amazon, among others, are also applying these company policies to remove TikTok because they don’t have the internal data to sustain the claims that Byte is providing location data to the Chinese government...

Trump regime”.

and pick the notoriously racist Fox News host Tucker Carlson for veep”

The guy’s a piece.

Trump “regime” 😂😂. Spoken like someone who has literally never lived under a regime. 

That’s true for any Gen 1 device or any category. 

Lol, sure thing sport. 


Except that’s not true:

“Of course, he wouldn’t have all that wealth (or a company at all) without the work of his employees who make Tesla products.”

For one, it was an example not a completely and closed list. Secondly, women are biologically less capable of defending against someone trying to hurt them when that person is male. The only way to level the playing field is if they are armed with something, ideally a weapon that can hurt from a distance, impeding a

So this is what lacking reading comprehension looks like

Lol ok.