
Dr. Nemmo here is the result of someone who has never picked up a book in his life.

I’m sorry, I missed the part where I said “Socialism is the ONLY cause for protests”.

As a socialist myself, I object to your characterization of Nicholas Maduro as a socialist - he is not; he’s a bandit, and Hugo Chavez before him was a bandit too. Chavez was more of the populist con-man type bandit, while Maduro is more of the incompetent, power-mad psychopath type bandit.”

Did... did you just take screenshots of a 2018 poll to NOT prove a point? No one wants a military intervention. That isn’t even what David or I suggested, you brought it up yourself.

Facts don’t care about your feelings. 

They’re already starting to show 😂😂

“It still is. Whether you desire the outcome or not.”

Now playing

“Bonehead Mercenaries Behind Failed Coup in Venezuela Plagiarized Website”

If you blame this on Trump then you’re as idiotic as the people drinking fish tank cleaner.