And yet you likely could not afford the cost of a single major medical procedure. Nor could you likely afford non-subsidized insurance. Almost no one can.
And yet you likely could not afford the cost of a single major medical procedure. Nor could you likely afford non-subsidized insurance. Almost no one can.
Because all of those one time purchases, possibly made when the person was more financially well off (though you wouldn’t want to look that deeply into the situation, would you), are the equivelant of healthcare costs. Fuck outta here with that bullshit. You realize that any major medical emergency or operation,…
Ugh that whole thing drives me crazy. I am currently living in Kansas (but get to leave soon, yay!) and there are always (white) people moaning on and on about “welfare queens” and “government assistance” and how it should all go away. These same people depend on corn subsidies, farmers insurance, the ACA, and…
I really don’t get how poor people vote republican. I guess racism, sexism TRUMPS classism.
Nah. It’s just a dog-whistle to his upper-middle-class base of white folks (I’m white, I get to say this, so nyah) to reinforce the idea that poors = darker folks and they’re pulling a scam on us pure-as-the-driven-snow upstanding citizens.
Does Jason Chaffetz, world-famous coward and shit-eating gopher, really thinks that insurance and a phone plan cost the same amount? Or have Republicans really just stopped even trying to hide their “fuck the poor” agenda?