
Awful that it took so long, but from this article in the Miami New Times, it sounds like she didn’t call an Uber, he happens to be an Uber driver who was waiting outside the club to offer drunk girls a ride home. Aka, a predator.

This terrifies me. I don’t usually think about the fact that when I use Uber or Lyft, I’m getting into a car with a complete stranger, almost always a man, almost always at night. I just want to be able to go about my business safely as a woman in the world and not have to weigh the risks of mundane activities like

When he dropped her off at her apartment, she saw a neighbor entering the building, told him about the assault and asked him to call the police....When police questioned Gaston a month later....

The Atlantic article was a thoughtful, extremely well written piece that might actually convince Republicans (or more conservative Democrats) to vote against the nomination.  Odd thing to mock.

This is the sort of thing that drives me away from whatever Jezebel defines as feminism. Wittes’ column was an honest attempt to grapple with what Kavanaugh’s confirmation means, with the fact that a man he thought he knew might in fact be a terrible person, and an attempt to update his priors on his beliefs. You guys

Not me. I’m having grilled octopus for dinner, Greek style.

I still will never grasp why the “but Harvey Weinstein and Woody Allen aren’t going to jail too!” crowd feel like that’s an interesting statement or there’s some meat on that bone. They’ve got plenty of cells that they can put all of their nasty asses in.

I gotta say, though, Cosby’s 40-year “avuncular dad” thing was the most successful long-con in history. Before Andrea Constand forced him to settle her civil suit, was there ANY media attention to his crimes?

Suckerpunching little shit comes out of nowhere, slaps dude with a damned octopus, and then runs away while barking (seals bark) about it like he’s the top do- er, seal. Man, fuck that. If you’re seal enough, meet me on the beach and lets do this.

Didn’t Dr. Ford have to go into hiding because of death threats she’s been receiving?

“I just want a fair process where I can be heard,”

As a former teenage boy myself I could actually buy some of his yearbook bragging as a virgin overcompensating- that actually seems plausible.

Yes, after 50 hygiene, grooming and giving a fuck becomes obsolete...

That seems like a pretty solid answer, IMO. It doesn’t sound like they could make the movie without his ok, and he wasn’t around, so it doesn’t seem like anyone was mistreated. Obviously, it would be better if these creeps never made another penny, but I’m also not holding my breath for that. Maybe one day everyone

OMFG this is getting exhausting. Seriously? He was never on set, his connection is that he is contractually due credit because he produced the 1976 version -- 42 years ago. Good fucking god.

Why the hell should he have checked? I have no idea if any of the folks I currently work with are creepy weirdos with criminal pasts; that’s something that HR is supposed to check out on their way in.

Yeah, that’s a pretty disingenuous reading of that. I think the ref failed miserably, and I also think Serena reacted poorly and contributed to the bad scene. Nowhere did I place all the blame on Ramos, but thanks for operating in good faith.

“Wherever you happen to fall on Serena’s behavior Saturday night, I’m sure you agree with me that this is the umpire’s fault.”

A third option is that Williams was intentionally ratcheting up the situation in a fruitless attempt to heighten her own level of play and intensity, and to intimidate her young opponent, because those things have worked in the past. They didn’t work yesterday.

My sense from reading various tennis-knowers this morning is the coaching violation really was a pretty ridiculous call, given the circumstances and what was being penalized. But also Serena definitely came unglued, possibly because she was getting pushed around by Osaka.