
This dude is, without a doubt, the most bitchmade fool to ever step foot on the court, right?

What a monster considering how many hands were reduced to heads-up with marginal cards. A 3-way pot with A-A, K-K and K-K to determine the final table is insanity. 

He is on here in my city and I can’t stand listening to Len-nard.   Now I have even more reason to not listen to him.  

I feel sort of bad for that kid. She will never have an excuse for anything ever: “Girl you better get your butt out of bed and ready for school, I don’t want to hear about no stomach ache or fever. I won the Australian Open with you, and made it to Wimbledon finals 10 months after you, so don’t tell me you can’t

This man has stolen from his artists, destroyed young artists careers and, put himself first ALWAYS.

oh god, everything about this woman was made by someone else: Face, tits, ass, image, reputation.

The first iteration of this article I came across was on Buzz Feed this morning, while I was scrounging for quarters so I could go to the laundromat.

All she did - literally all she did - was sign a licensing royalty contract with Colourpop for a tube of lip gloss, after getting surgery to enhance her lips, and imply the kits were responsible. That’s it!She signed her name to the makeup they already produced. That’s the extent of her involvement.

Isn’t it funny how Step #1 in all of these success stories is to be born to wealthy parents? You’d almost think that was an advantage or something. 

The idea that this girl is “self-made” is insulting. Fuck that.

“Gentrification is heartbreaking,”

Diddy didn't even hire a Black person to run his Revolt tv. If Yvette Carnell (sp?) is to believed his non Black ceo chose Black people to be 99% of their recent layoffs. 

I find it ironic this billionaire lamenting the gentrification of Harlem...from his home in Martha’s Vineyard.

Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.

Maybe you should write a post about a country that white men *didn’t* fuck up: ya know, like.... uh... I’m drawing a blank here.

Haiti deforested their own land. It’s called “cut and get out.” They chopped down the trees to build housing. Private property rights are almost non-existent. The government owns most of the land. This is partly why natural disasters are so devastating to them. If you can’t own the land you build your home on, you

Just a question, the continuous stereotyping of white people as stupid yokels that an entire race should make fun of on their blog is something other than racism or...?

Sri Lankans aren’t white, you fucking moron.