
Also, it’s not a remake—it’s a continuation. Sandra Bullock is George Clooney’s character’s sister.

I think he’s just saying that social media movements are here and gone, all feelings in one moment and then forgotten a week later. He wants something more sustainable and thoughtful.

Weird, the guy with face tattoos makes ridiculously bad decisions.

These soundcloud rappers, from 6ix9ine to XXXTentacion and everyone in-between, I just don’t get it. What happened to early 00's hip-hop? Who are these freaks!? They make me feel so out of it.

Lee asks a pertinent (and saddening) question: Can we really have constructive dialogue with people who are so entrenched in their “the barbarians are at the gates” worldview that they freak out over hearing a language other than (American) English spoken within US borders?

I mean, on some level, I understand the

Also, within those categories, college education moves the needle left every time.

I think this is an interesting point, and it’s the *only* way I can logic Alabama’s support of Moore. To them, it was a choice between a child molester and a child murderer, and they chose what they perceived to be the lesser of two evils.

Absolutely right! White non-evangelical women went overwhelmingly for Jones.

As you single out the admirable voting record of black women, Jewish women, Latinas, Lesbians (of any ethnicity/faith). Not mentioned here are Muslim and Catholic women, who also tend to vote Democratic.

I grew up in Alabama, and I agree. Abortion being THE issue at the ballots was preached from my family and from the pulpit, and it took moving out of the state to reverse the brainwashing. It was framed as, if you voted for a pro-choice candidate you were the problem. Nothing is more important in Southern politics

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

I think after Newton we should know by now that white babies getting killed is no big thing for Republicans.

Wow. Stay classy.

Kinda sad that my man even had to add a fucking disclaimer!

The little boy and his pain should be viewed as a totally separate issue from his mother’s racial/racist ignorance.

Seriously, thank you for this disclaimer.

Hey y’all. No comments/jokes about the kid’s physical appearance. Not cool.

Of what? It’s Tom Ley for fuck sake. The douchebag works for Deadspin because he can’t get a real job. He’s not a journalist of any kind so it’s pretty unfair to hold him to any standard. He’s a blogger. The is no expectation of integrity from a blogger, and particularly not one from freakin’ Deadspin of all places

“Following November 16, 2017, (the alleged victim) attempted to pursue a relationship with Mr. Anderson. While we can only speculate as to (the alleged victim’s) motives in seeking a civil protective order, her claims surfaced only after Mr. Anderson did not reciprocate a desire to pursue a relationship with

I am a Junior at Amherst College. I work as a Resident Counselor and Student Health Educator and do a lot of work around sexual respect on campus. I also have a number of close friends in "underground" fraternities on campus. While I agree that having unregulated Greek life at the school is problematic, the need for