Pete Worst

Scotch is a drink. People from Scotland are Scottish.

No one is forcing you to respond to me either, shithead.

Thanks for chiming in, Drew. Back to your shitty TV show and your terrible acting. Maybe take a look for that little bag of coke you stashed as a kid.

I really miss the days when I could just go see a fucking movie or watch a goddamn TV show or play a christing videogame and not have to even think about all this shit.

Not only because she wants to continue to get work, but also because people act like raging fucking toilet fires whilst on the internet. Not sure if you knew that yet or not.

Anyone who’s dumb enough to think that a career grifter who sits on a gold toilet in a New York penthouse apartment every night is a genuine candidate who ‘cares about their needs’ probably deserves to get fleeced for everything they have.

No, but my home is not a 20,000 seat sports stadium that you have to buy a ticket to get into. You’re comparing apples to bulldozers here.


No, it doesn’t. Our brains are flooded with new content (I hate that word) on a continual basis nowadays. I’m surprised people remember to stop and take a piss every now and then.

Vikander felt like Lara Croft’s little sister who had wandered into her big sister’s room and started trying on her clothes.

Grow the fuck up.

And yet somehow twice as bad of an actor as he currently is. Which is really bad.


Oh my stars, you’re right! Where IS my journalistic integrity? Who am I to defy the queen of all that is fair and just in this world?

Does your mom know you use her computer when she’s not home?

hush money

Grow the fuck up.

I leave the house all the time. It’s just never to see any of James Cameron’s fucking movies.

Grow the fuck up.

Plenty up here in Ontario, eh.