Pete Worst

It’s just another TV show. Turn it off if you don’t care about it.

I’m sure it will be buried in Amazon ads and seven more articles about James Cameron shitting his pants before long. Never fear.

I didn’t say they were smart retired old rich white people. I remember I went with a friend of mine to Hemet, CA because he had a court date, and no matter what great things you may have heard about standing out in front of a courthouse at 7 AM waiting to be let inside while a gaggle of meth heads who have been up all

Riverside County isn’t much more than an odd mixture of retired old rich white people and meth heads. I’m not surprised.

More like ‘let that stink in’.

He’s improved a lot, and he makes it very clear on all levels that he’s working his ass off. I appreciate that.

Hate to break it to you, bubba, but terrible people who do terrible things for terrible reasons exist all over the world. Take your AMERICA BAD!!1! bullshit the fuck back to Reddit with the rest of the 12-year-olds.

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The dense little shits convinced themselves a few years ago that they created Coke floats, so I guess nepotism couldn’t have been that far behind.

Go jerk off to your Andrew Tate poster, you little weirdo.

No, Bautista seems to have some humility and self-control, so I doubt it.

Why, what’s he gonna do? Impersonate a black person me to death?

I’ve enjoyed Colin’s documentaries far more than anything he’s ever acted in.

Just about fucking anyone > Springsteen

Nice! I probably saw it on HBO back then while crashing my way through the horrors of puberty. I do think I saw Cocoon in theaters, though. One of my favorites back then.

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It’s also got a very ‘80s theme song that I love. It also reminds me of the Gotcha dancers on Parks and Recreation.

Yeah, I just finished Peacemaker, and Cena was fantastic. He’s a mountain, sure, but he never let that affect his ability to get into the character and be vulnerable when he needed to be.

That just makes me think of the funny scene in Jumanji where he has a moment to himself and keeps repeating, ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.’

Got that right. It’s when Johnson steps out of Beige Shirt Guy mode that he’s most entertaining. Reynolds never seems to step out of Smug Prick mode. Ever.

Absolutely. It’s become a bit of a comfort zone thing for Dwayne and every other actor who just keeps shitting out the same performance and character over and over, usually based on how they look. Ryan Reynolds never plays anyone besides Ryan Reynolds, either.

I remember when that spot was filled by Gina Carano.