Pete Worst

The dumbfuck Zoomers who run this shithole now have no idea what a Dawes even is. Hell, I doubt they know what a rotary telephone is.


Just wait until you get to the part where they fuck each other.

No surprise you can’t construct a sentence.

Now playing

Pretty sure Patton Oswalt wrote a joke about this 15 years ago.

Please don’t respond to that fucking troll. It doesn’t care about facts.

But why did it have to be a BLACK lagoon, HUH?

And Hurley from Lost!

It’s my YouTube clip of choice to post on Thanksgiving morning every year.

Oh, I’m sure we’re just a few days from a few intolerable fucks on Instagram bitching about its lack of LGBTQ representation. Never fear.

I loved that so much. Bryan Fuller knocked the hell out of it. Only thing I would’ve wanted more is a Pushing Daisies crossover.

Sorry, but those last two stories are ridiculous. Anyone who is going to make that much noise online after a dumb old white guy like Pat Sajak says some dumb old white guy shit on a show aimed at dumb old white people need to find something better to do with their time. There are bigger problems in the world to

Sajak’s been a right-wing weirdo for years.

Never let whether or not you have actually seen something keep you from reviewing it.” - the internet

So have you seen this or not? Sounds to me like not.

It’s a reference, not a pun.

I usually roll my eyes at the ‘How much is Disney paying you for this!!!?1!’ fanboy nonsense, but Disney DEFINITELY paid for this fanboy nonsense. I’m sure the same thing will be over at Gizmodo/iO9, too.

Yes, RISE from your shackles, o ye that hath been oppressed! RISE!

Probably my favorite episode. Her response to the demon who said she was going to take a dump, and would anyone like her to bring them back one too is hilarious.

Gen Z is the Nyquil chicken of generations.