
Pardon me for this, but take a look at your same pattern of argument but for a different topic. Namely, privacy.

So, in short:

Sometimes something is cool and you want to save a copy.

As usual, the Android world pokes fun at something Apple does while it figures out how to copy it and eventually embrace it.

Agreed on the walled garden approach. I would consider this if I could double it as a bluetooth speaker or use it with my PC. What the fuck were they even thinking? I could see them selling quite a few if they do open it up and add capability for two in one large room or multi-room support.

What phone are you using? My Pixel has the volume button just below the power button on the right, which makes it very easy to use as a camera shutter.

PROTIP: you can take pictures upside down and the phone will still put them the right way

What’s wrong with using a volume button for the camera when in a camera app?

The purpose of stories is to kill Snapchat.

“Snapchat can’t detect screen recording, not that I’m aware of. (If it can, well, that would be hella awkward). If Instagram can, that will put it on par with banking apps in terms of security.”

If you can view the image, you can save the image. Period. There is no way they can prevent this. They can, however, make it a giant pain in the dick.

Stories are...dumb? I just never understood the appeal. If it’s good enough to share in the first place, isn’t it good enough to share semi-permanently?

I think Instagram should take a little step back and review what the purpose of the “stories” is. We seem to have gotten into a place where “hey, I want everyone to see this!!” but “oh um I don’t want them to see it more than once and I don’t want them to share it, even though I’m trying to get more followers”.

I keep a can of deicer inside and one outside the car. So much timesave.

Also not shown: the door handle that broke off while trying to pull the door ajar. This has happened to me at least three times over the years.

There can be downsides.

not shown: 45 minutes of futile scraping and profanity in order to get into the vehicle.

Why do low level employees have access to the crown jewels? Maybe “low level employee” here just means: not management.

It’s pretty standard security to not allow personal media storage devices at the office. That’s how my work in the pharma industry was. I would also expect there to be a check out/check in procedure for all code, especially something as important as iBoot.

I imagine the person who stole the code has been having a Code Brown for a while. I’d also imagine Apple has a system for monitoring who downloaded code and when.