
Taken as a parody of movies like Event Horizon, it’s a fun and hilarious show. I laughed a lot, and it was enjoyable (although I don’t think this aspect was intended). The eyeball scene and the whole arm sequence were very funny.

That seems like a rather far-fetched scenario and mechanically very unlikely to occur. Also, it’s 120VAC, not mains distribution lines. I got zapped a couple of times while working on AC building wiring yesterday and it was mildly annoying, but not something that ‘turned me into a human Jiffy Pop.’

Someone needs to make a version for headphones. I’ve broken 2 soundcards from (angrily) getting up from a gaming session and forgetting I actually have on headphones. And no, I don’t want wireless headphones. I took me 10 years to find a pair that I find comfortable and play nice with my glasses.

I’m going to assume when these suddenly separate, there isn’t a shower of sparks flying in all directions.

Will its new delivery service work out?

Good I’m so sick and tired at how inexpensive the USPS is.

One company to rule them all. I see where this is going.

Michigan Department of Transportation:Fuck It

Michigan logic. You should thank them for blocking the right lane at all. They could’ve thrown it from atop the overpass.

I though they do this so that the cars driving over the newly-filled hole tamp the cold patch down. Toss some in, car drives over, toss more, car drives over, etc until the hole is filled.

Yeeeap, that’s how we do it here in Michigan this time of year. You can’t close the whole god damn freeway every time a pot hole opens up. Dude was slinging the patch roughly into place and then I’m reasonably sure he went out to tidy it up and tamp it down after. He’s just doing as much of the job as cautiously as he

Good luck buying anything anywhere dude. Those 28’ pups are moving the vast majority of everything you buy to a somewhere to a point of sale. Many truck drivers prefer pulling 2 pups vs a 53 or 48. NYS allows 2x48’ers on the 90. And to really blow your mind Ohio allows triple 28’ers on the 70.

Wait... I’ve lived in Michigan my whole life and I’ve never heard that. That’s batshit crazy! They gotta ignore it for a whole month before they’re accountable for someone hitting it? How has that held up in court more than zero times?

Let’s not forget... It’s Detroit. The icy weather is only part of the issue. Industry-friendly truck regulations allow a maximum weight per axle (and trucks with 10-12 axles) lead to hilariously over-loaded (yet legal) vehicles that also do a number on the roads.

Michigan is known for having some of the worst roads in the entire US of A:

As a reminder, MDOT’s official policy is they’re not held accountable for a pothole if it hasn’t been reported to them 30+ days ago.

It could be a sinkhole the size of Hell, Michigan that opens up overnight and swallows your car. MDOT says “nah, you’re accountable!”

Nothing like throwing the patch from one lane away. I’m sure that’s effective...

Based on the casual way he was throwing cold patch on it between cars, this ain’t his first rodeo.

I particularly like the bit at the end where a worker goes out to fill the pothole, but they only block traffic from the far right lane, not the lane where the actual pothole is being filled.