
As part of the DMCA, which was invoked to have the information removed, Apple was required to confirm that the code is legitimate.

Never ran into that. Every time the enemy attacked me it did so in force. Example: last game as the Zulu, England attacked and sent 8 ancient era units at once, a nice mix of catapults, spearmen and archers. And that was on King.

I honestly think some of the AI issues are just in the “too hard” basket.

Wait, cultural takeover is back! That’s my absolute favorite thing to do in CIV, and I couldn’t believe it was gone in 6, resulting in me having to attack every nearby city to expand.

Lifehacker posts a story yesterday saying Tether is causing Bitcoin’s crash and now Giz says it’s causing Bitcoin’s climb...

CFTC and SEC hearing is behind the bitcoin rebound. Not tether.

This is like revenge porn for the desktop support staff.

A date is when you make plans with another person. AKA do something on a particular date.

Acetone you say?

This is a dialect issue. Men socializing don’t call it a “date”. We’re different than women. Women call their friends ‘girlfriends’; men don’t call their friends ‘boyfriends’

the thing is.... $900 vs $ like $10/mon on a 2 year lease..... 2 mocha venti’s... so most people say... yup... I can afford that.,

A date is just a date. One time thing. Dating, to me, implies that you and another person are going on regular dates and are becoming more comfortable being together.

I have no qualms with this kind of “one-chance” policy if it wasn’t also a policy that was so generous about what constitutes a rejection.

The only people who wouldn’t like this policy are dudes that can’t take no for an answer.

If you do anything outside of work with a co-worker it’s a date. And nothing more. Maybe it turns in to a relationship, but it doesn’t have to.

Flagships are for the high-end and the people who want to pay for them...full stop.

Seems much too loose. What if it’s not a date?

For everyone sad about this, just know that flagship phones are no longer for you. These companies have one job and that’s to make as much money as they can. This news should indicate to you that there are people with more money than you who are willing to spend more money than you on a phone, and the market will

the one i like most is that my personal email wont update unless i force it to check for emails and then it’ll work for a couple hours before stopping again. like “my phones been quiet all day i wonder if i have any new emails” *downloading 1 of 62* “fuck.”