
We have a $1,000 donation from SteveGannon....

I have that situation too. My neighbor to one side, has guests that always park in front of my house instead of parking in front of their own house or in their driveway. One time I was expecting a refrigerator delivery any minute and someone pulled up and blocked my walkway/mailbox. I ran outside and asked if they

Oh, come on, a couple $500 Craigslist beaters would do the trick.

I used to live in an apartment with assigned parking. The tenant next to me would invariably park very close to the line - presumably because of the support pillar for the covered parking. One time it was so close that it finally ticked me off. I told my then-girlfriend to get out of the car, then proceeded to park as

Correction: the second time a “guest” who you conveniently don’t remember the name of accidentally tears their front bumper off.

Genius. I have new shitty neighbors across the street that love to park like assholes on either side of my driveway (and rev the shit out of their fart canned CRV and Civic at 2 AM). I had to leave a note one night because half of one of their cars was actually blocking my driveway and I had just enough room to

They get a little better at parking around the second time you accidentally tear their front bumper off. 

well this is just a Smart move

The loss of life in this incident is regrettable. However, by impeding the GOP passengers, a much greater tragedy was avoided.

...edited! Nothing to see here. Of course, your response has solidified my error in permanent digital form. Thanks to Kinja, there’s no way to delete the record of incompetence, so certainly it will dog me for eternity. 

They chartered the train. You think that’s cheaper than flying coach?

“NOW: Amtrak train collides with garbage truck in Crozet. Nurse on scene reports at least one fatality and at least one in critical condition. NBC29 is on scene and will bring you more details as we get them.”

Members of congress going by rail is the most amazing thing about the story. Nice to hear they aren’t jetting about on the taxpayer’s money.

Why does it matter who it was carrying? Does that one person’s loss of life matter any less or more now? How about the injured driver?

Proof again that The Obama’s were too good for this country. They came to the aid and comfort of a woman who spent most that campaign slandering them. Dear America you didn’t deserve The Obama’s you deserve The Trumps. All of them.

I’d assumed that it was a note that said, “HELP” scrawled in blood.

“Thank you, this will be perfect for Barack’s long-form birth certificate.”

Only on Jalopnik:

Too bad Ford, along with everyone else didn’t learn that bigger isn’t always better, at least when it comes to trucks. And now they plan to make a fake small truck. Have guts, make a true Ranger.

It’s a safe bet people are trying to get rid of me quickly in most interactions. I know it’s a useful troubleshooting gauge, but the primary purpose it was placed on the dash was for aesthetic kinetics, not engine diagnosis. At least according to the engineer I spoke with.